Win $50 Your Way Giveaway May 2024

Happy May Giveaway my Little Peanuts. Time for May’s $50 Your Way Giveaway! Yes, it’s the same $50 giveaway that I have hosted every month for years. If you’re new here I hope you will join us often. To my most awesome, amazing followers that have stuck with me for years, THANK YOU! I’m so happy to see you again.

This Part of The Post

The first part of my $50 giveaway post is always a recap of the previous month. So, if this bores you feel free to scroll to the end. The Giveaway Tools widget is below.

I am so happy to have April behind me.  My first reason is that on the 30th of May, I get my first cataract removed.  Seriously,  these things are no joke. I feel like I am looking through a piece of tissue paper. Nothing is in focus. Of course, I have no wrinkles right so there is that. Also no dust! I mean seriously, who doesn’t want a clean home with no dust or dirt or drips off the counter?? (Maybe I should rethink this surgery) I can’t drive at night. I also found out I can’t drive in the SNOW!! I was coming home from an art class in Sandpoint and it was SNOWING. On APRIL 29th! SNOWING. It was hell to drive in. It was scary. I couldn’t focus. I was never so glad to get back on the mountain.


Anyway, 31st, is the first surgery, then the second surgery happens 2 weeks later. It does mean several round trips to Spokane (2 hours away) But, I will be able to have more than 10 words on my computer screen. LOL The Husband says he can read my phone from across the room. GESH!!

These cataracts also mean I haven’t been crafting like last month. I miss my craft time!!

Now, if you’ve been around awhile you know I am fascinated by the surgeries I’ve had. I was able to watch (so upclose that the doctor had to use his finger on my forehead to move me out of his way. BUT it WAS COOL to WATCH!!) both of my carpal tunnel surgeries. I also got to watch (TMI) my colonoscopy. THAT was very interesting as well. SO knowing I can’t watch my cataract surgery I did a YouTube search. IT’s SO COOL!!!!!! So, if you are interested I’m linking to a real cataract surgery. (SEE??? I am nice!!! I didn’t just POOF here it is!)

Trail Cam Pictures

I do have a couple of funny pictures to share from the trail cam though.

For those that follow me on Instagram know that I have quite the entertaining wild turkeys that walk across the craftroom door and glam for the trail cam.  (hey! I rhymed!)  Now tell me this guy doesn’t know there is a camera right in front of him.

Now for the REAL reason you are here!!

Giveaway Time!

May $50 GiveawayThis Giveaway spiel is the exact same as last month, the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you stopped by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon. Any GC that you think would work worldwide, I’m willing to try.  This giveaway is $50 US.


This is a giveaway hosted by me alone. 

I NEVER ask for anything except where to send your prize. My email is Connie@peanutbutterandwhine. I have found that saying congratulations in the subject line causes emails to go to spam. So, I will usually say. HEY it’s Connie. Guess WHAT? Or something similar.

I hope you will come back often, stay around for a while, look at more than one page, it really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated. Purchasing through my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a small commission which means I can continue to host (OKAY PEOPLE!! How come no one mentioned in the PAST giveaway spiels… it SAID HOSE?!?!?! tsk tsk… little peanuts! TSK TSK!!) the $50 Giveaways.

There are tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! You also get extra entries for sharing.

Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.


This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • Sue E

    Today is a same old, same old day!
    Except tomorrow is bill day 😢 Goodbye 👋🏻 money 💴
    I do this every month and then I tell God thank you for providing for me another month 🙏

  • gloria patterson

    School out, May is over………………………..Time is flying by. Quick trip to krogers want to get my 4 times gas points on friday. Had to order lock box keys for my mother she hid it so only she could find it…………… BUT she does not know where she hid it. Only cost $29.50 and I ordered 2 for the next time she hides the key and forgets where LOL

  • Tamra Phelps

    How is it the end of May??? I’m still trying to adjust to the idea that it’s not 2023 anymore, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I slept till 4.30pm but do feel better. Lovely sunshine with a cold wind so out I went, cleared a patch of the back garden, dug a 10″ x 14″ deep hole, made some quick-set concrete & fixed the base of my rotary washing/clothes line into it. The hardest part was holding the base for 15 minutes while the concrete set. So that’s another job ticked off the never-ending list. I’ll do some laundry tomorrow to test it out.

  • heather

    I am waking up and sipping my hot tea and listening to the news. Just doing stuff around the house today catching up on laundrty. Hope you have a great Friday and enjoy the last day of May.

  • Jenn fike

    My oldest daughter is coming over today to visit!! I’ve got to do dishes and laundry… again lol and I’ve got some plants I need to get in the ground and others I need to move around to different beds.

  • Michele Soyer

    Last day of may, where did this month go?? Have to call my oldest granddaughter – she is 30 years old today! Wow…

  • Sarah H.

    I like classic novels from the nineteenth century. My favorite books are Jane Eyre and Mansfield Park– I relate strongly to both of their main characters. I also love Sense and Sensibility, especially because of Colonel Brandon. He is really lovely. Mystery novels are another favorite genre of mine– I love “cozies” (such as Poirot) and Sherlock Holmes stories.

  • Anonymous

    Although exhausted, I’m having a great day! We are in Utah at a RV park outside Salt Lake City. This part of tue US is beautiful!

  • gloria patterson

    Have to start my day with last night at 11 PM. Get a call from Medic Alert that her system had gone off and she was NOT taking to them. I pull some clothes over my night gown and take off down the hall. Up in the elevator and down to her apartment (I have my own keys) unlock her door……….. AND SCARED THE HELL OUT OF HER! Who was coming in her apartment. She was sitting in the recliner watching TV. She is a little hard of hearing and had the TV on high. When she realized it was me WHATS WRONG?? Her alarm system is going off and kept saying EMS was on the way! 3 EMS guys showed up and I was trying to talk to the company…………….. LONG story Finally got the system up plugged and turned off.

    This morning I called the company and the guy didn’t really believe what I was saying. So he had me plug in and the alert goes and they are calling EMS. We finally got that canceled. He had me put her necklace alert in the freezer and to unplug and turn the system off. They are mailing out a new necklace!

    After all of that I have not done much of anything today………….. did have a 2 hour nap.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Pffftttt. Ugh. It’s a blech kind of day. I woke up too erlt but had to get up because it’s an apartment inspection day. You have to hang around all day on the off chance they might choose to look at your apartment. And they never do, lol. That is the worst thing sbout renting, the way you are always beholden to someone else like that.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Well Michele, I have slept most of last night & today. The glands in my neck are swollen as well. Mother Nature has reverted to November so I don’t feel guilty at all!

  • heather

    I feel like I was hit by a truck this morning. I did way toooo much weedeating in the yard yesterday but it looks good.

  • Michele Soyer

    We were supposed to get a tropical wave overnight – we did get heavy showers but not too bad at all… thank goodness…outside to clean up debris , process some mangoes and cashews then my book!

  • gloria patterson

    Well our temps did not get to the 70’s today. Off and ON rain & rain. Have had my windows closed all day. I have done a little and this and that. Worked on the craft stuff, straightened up. Worked on my aero gardens, when the flowers get long I have to go in and cut them……………… I HATE DOING THAT But they always end up looking better after a couple of days.

  • Vickie E Gallo

    Today is a blah day! Dealing with insurance issues (always fun), but it is a good break to come on here and make my wish list for fun!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m feeling very tired after the Covid booster & my left arm is really sore. Found today’s stint at the rescue centre tough going. Groomed Roy, the resident collie, again & he licked my nose!

  • l p

    the day is going well. up early for appointments. now I need to find a card for a colleague who is moving – not that many out there. thanks

  • Elizabeth

    Made myself crazy trying to find a library CD last night (it was an interlibrary loan, so there would have been a huge fine if I lost it)…I’m a zombie today, but relieved I found it!

  • Suzie B

    I have the day off work, so I will spend it in the garden! I lucked out with a rare sunny day in a stretch of cold and rainy weather the past week and a halF!

  • Michele Soyer

    The day is grey and and the rain is coming – perfect to process more mangoes and cashews are coming in also… Buckets and buckets from the trees…I eat the cashew apple stem part but the nut is hard to process so I save them and have a woman who processes them for me….then I bottle them…that will be my morning…afternoon time I am guilty of watching an amazing mini series on Catherine the Great from Russian TV on tubi or toobi I don’t really know the spelling….

  • Sue E

    I am one proud grandmother! Another grandchild graduated from high school! 2 grandchildren graduated college and now two grandchildren graduated high school! God is good! Thank you Father God!!

  • gloria patterson

    Trip to walmart picked all the household stuff that I was running out of. Got home just dropped it all in the walk in closet and shut the door……………. not in the mood to put it away.

    RAIN RAIN ………. had a little over 2 hour nap

  • Jenn fike

    So, this weather is annoying! It was supposed to rain all day again today, but just like yesterday, it would rain for 2 minutes then get sunny then rain for 2 minutes and get sunny. Anyway, I did a small bit outside but mostly inside and visiting with my dad who came to visit.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Had an online appointment with my therpist earlier, then had some antibiotics delivered from the pharmacy. I think I need to decide what groceries to get this weekend because I have been lazy for weeks now, eating frozen dinners, fed up with cooking because it can be difficult from a wheelchair. But I need to get back to healthier home cooking rather than tossing frozen meals into the microwave.

  • l p

    the day is going well. time to chase the dust bunnies so it’s delayed spring cleaning for today and coming days. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Had another Covid booster shot this morning, dug the garden for a bit till the inevitable rain started up, prepped a couple of meals, and now have absolutely no plans for the rest of the day!

  • Michele Soyer

    Well after breakfas I have to get out and trim some bushes and clean the drains – Hurricane season is coming! I also have to process more mangoes….

  • ka

    I’m having a good day today. I’ve been out on some errands and met friends for coffee. Then we got together and did some planting in the community garden.

  • gloria patterson

    Have done a little big of nothing. Was going to a BBQ but it got canceled. We have had so much rain, thunder and lighting. And they keep talking about flooding.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Mother Nature really tore up stumps here yesterday and last night. Tornado watches and straight line winds upended trees and tore off roofs. And of course it stormed like crazy. Skies look much better today, though and the power here stayed on.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It finally stopped raining so out I went. Four hours digging later, I’m aching but in a good way. Getting another Covid booster tomorrow so boiling kettles for a good all-over scrub!

  • l p

    the day is going well. making for yesterday which was busy with appointments. so today’s my favourite day – baking bread. thanks

  • Jenn fike

    Today is supposed to be rain all day here so it feels like a good day for inside work. Gonna do dishes, get laundry put away and try to help the girls organize their rooms.

  • heather

    Happy Memorial Day! Think we are having steak and corn on the cob today and potato salad. Hope you have a nice day. God Bless our troops.

  • Anonymous

    I believe the computer problem has been sorted so fingers crossed…Mango season is in full swing here so everyday we bring up buckets some to enjoy and the rest I freeze – this WILL be my last season here by the grace….giving Miss Delilah a bath today then back to my studies….

  • Suzie B

    I like to read fiction, I really enjoyed a book called The Break by Katherena Vermette; it’s meant to take place in the city I live and really brings to light a truth in how many of the indiginious people here are living/going through. Its pretty powerful!

  • Rose

    Hah hah. I haven’t been reading books, but I do read quite a bit. When I do read books, I only like non-fiction biographies and some memoirs. I like ones about days of yore, princesses and queens, interesting people. An interesting one is “Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant.” He wrote about his unusual skills and what it is like for him.

  • Rose

    It was a good day. Nothing special for activities, but it was a crystal clear sky, bright blue and sunny. I hope you will be back to normal soon after the surgery and be able to see better than ever!

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s one of those days where Mother Nature is thowing practically her entire repertoire, one at a time, at us. managed to avoid the preciptation so far. thanks

  • Jenn fike

    Well, today I finished another small flower bed and started on a different one in the back. Kids are going to shower and tomorrow will be an indoor day because it’s supposed to storm all day.

  • gloria patterson

    Up early was the first person in the laundry room……… washed – dried and put away…. DONE

    It poured rain, lightning and thunder most of the night. Today warm rain off and on

    Started a new book………… so good

  • Rose A Sofranko

    It’s a gorgeous day here in WNY so my day is going well. I’m watching a live “Eagle Cam” waiting for the juveniles to fledge/leave the nest soon. God bless!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    A day of non-stop rain. What we call a ‘soft’ day. That light drizzly rain that soaks you through & brings the biting insects out in force so stuck indoors, looking out at my garden, making a couple of sketches of ideas. I had planned a rainbow-type planting scheme, with the colours blending into each other, but now I’m thinking a general hotch-potch of colours might be nicer! Oh, and eating chocolate.

  • heather

    I just did not want to get out of bed this morning was having some good dreams. I am having a quiet Sunday hope you have a great one too. Thinking of making a big breakfast this morning.

  • Michele Soyer

    Computer crashed yesterday – this is the one my daughter uses for work so imperative she get it back up – going between the laptop and the tabet to keep things moving….I have a sneaky feeling we will have to buy a new IMac…oh well when it rains it pours! Time to put Sunday lunch in the oven and make some breakfast – a Sunday of my book some lovely music and as always a glass of wine…

  • gloria patterson

    Awake early………… Baked some chicken and potatoes. Got salad stuff so I am set for the rest of the weekend.

    A little more painting on my cabinet and that is done. Got a new book. Been a beautiful day out

  • l p

    the day is going well. took the bones out for a walk this morning and had to take some of my layers off. happy to see the sun.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I managed to get a couple of hours digging my new bed in the front garden before the heavens opened. It’s due to rain till Monday afternoon 🙁 Lying in bed now, listening to Brooklyn (the book, not the film). I worked in Enniscorthy, where it’s set, for 10 years and know the area well. So, feeling nostalgic & watching the rain …

  • heather

    Happy Saturday hope you have a great holiday weekend. I am sticking close to home and doing a lot of weedeating in the yard and then some more weedeating.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve been lazy today. I mean, I napped for a few hours, too, lol. So, it’s after 10 p.m. and I’m just now doing this.

  • Sue E can

    When I shop online, I always over order! I forgot that my daughter and kids have something else to do today during the time my order was being dropped off!
    I had to bring in the groceries and put them away.
    I strained the old back. So I had to take it easy the rest of the day!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I have officially lost the bloody plot! This morning was woken at 5 as usual but instead of going back to bed I started vacuuming! Did most of the house, prepped 2 meals, cleaned the bathroom & hung out washing. And all before 7am.

  • gloria patterson

    Quick trip to Krogers, on fridays you get bonus fuel points. Saved a $1.00 per gal last fill up. Its a beautiful day out 80’s and has rained a little off and on all day. No nap today ……………. strange for me LOL

  • Kath

    It’s Friday so I’m meeting some friends for dinner at a local restaurant. It’s the first time they will have been there so I hope they enjoy it as much as I do. Enjoy your week-end.

  • heather

    My day is off to one jacked up start so far today. I went to take some medication this morning that is always on my night stand and it is not there my cat was playing with something last night and now I know what it was. I have looked everywhere for two hours and I cannot find it anywhere waiting for the pharmacy to open wait til they hear this one.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the construction people are very busy today – they’ve completed 4 floors of the 8-storey low-rise. today my ‘construction’ is to find the desk under all the papers and stuff. thanks

  • Michele Soyer

    Due to the fact I did nothng but dance around the house yesterday, today I have to get out there and weed – also do some transplants..thought I would be gone by now but oh well moving on to keep me busy and not get down..Memorial day Weekend in the states so I will also have a BBQ this weekend….

  • Polly Hall

    Spent the afternoon playing cards outside on this beautyful sunny day with my girl friend that had a hip replacement and was going stir crazy.

  • gloria patterson

    Finished painting my cabinet, moved it back in place and filled it back up. Great niece grandmother had surgery last friday. And she has someone staying with her just about 24 / 7. If you are used to living a lone it is a big adustment to have somebody around every second. Today I knew there was no one there so up to her apartment I go. We laughed and talked for about 2 hours and 3 people called to check on her during that time. Her sister & brother in law had a island vacation (non-refundable) scheduled to leave Saturday morning. She has called and checked on her so much.

  • Shannon Mitchell

    The last book I finished was King of Late Night by Greg Gutfeld. The book I’m currently reading is an older book by Max Lucado, The Great House of God.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ve been very lazy all day! I’m too dang (as Tamra would say) cold to do anything. It’s 10 degrees less than last week & I’m back in my fleece & gloves. Maybe tomorrow I’ll potter about, maybe not!

    • Tamra Phelps

      I’m too dang cold all the time, lol. My immune system is crap. I keep a spaceheater in the living room!

  • l p

    the day is going well. up early to run a bunch of errands and got 4/5 done. it’s going to rain soon – hopefully hard enough to remove the bird excrement around on the sidewalks. thanks

  • Jenn fike

    TODAY, is Bill pay day. Woke up at 4:30 am to the dog doing her peepee dance. It was so sweaty in the house because we had to shut the windows. It was supposed to storm all night… it did not. So I snuck around quietly opening all the windows. Tried going back to sleep but that wasn’t happening so I came downstairs to do the bills. Got them all paid, checking package tracking (our new weedeater will be here today though the mower hasn’t shipped yet). Caught up on some TV and did some laundry while waiting to wake the kids up for school. Now I’m done with laundry so when the weedeater gets here, I can do that and when the kids get home we can do a quick grocery run.

  • heather

    My day is off to a nice start so far. I am thinking of going to the farmer’s market today but only if it warms up a little it’s frosty here.

  • Michele Soyer

    I planned on weeding today but it is pouring! Oh well too bad, so sad , I will have to bake and read and dance around the house!!!

  • gloria patterson

    Did a little touch up painting on my jewel cabinet. A guy I worked with YEARS ago made it for me and I am in it ever day. Years ago I started collection vintage costume jewelry. Had it in trays and over the years the kids have played with them and there were a major mess. Got them all organized again. When I worked I would always wear some of my vintage pieces.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Just read Connie’s reply re. her rhubarb plants. I was really looking forward to growing it again but I just found out that it’s bad for gout. I was diagnosed in 2015 after Dad died & after Mum got her diagnosis & after Tommy the cat died. It had nothing to do with my diet, just ‘one of those things’ and have been on meds daily since. I wonder how much rhubarb is too much rhubarb? It’s one of my favourites and very handy to have in the freezer.

    Still pouring down over here, but sure this is Ireland, we’re used to it!

  • Maureen

    I have a hard time sleeping and have for years so I seem at the moment in need of some sleep but I always put it off until night because I want to get sleep then.

      • Lisa Mannella

        I don’t have cataracts but have noticed how bad my eyesight has gotten. I never had problems with distance but have been noticing while walking my dog how hard it is getting to see who is approaching me. Grant it, I do have progressive glasses at home which I kind of refuse to wear all the time, lol! Anyways, what a drag it is getting old. I think someone said that before 🤣😂

  • heather

    Everyone is sleepy sleepy sleepy here even my cat doesn’t want to get out of bed for her breakfast. It was a lot warmer last night and I think we all got some good sleep. I am taking it easy today and just getting stuff down around the house.

  • Jenn fike

    I took my youngest to the dr yesterday and no covid or flu so just a viral infection which is good, BUT now after several days, I’ve caught it… no fun. The Lawn guys are here today, finally. Now we won’t have the ugliest lab on the street. And I still haven’t done the laundry but perhaps today since I likely won’t be gardening.

  • Michele Soyer

    I had a good shopping morning yesterday – good by the way of all the shoppes were almost empty! LOL when I reached back my neighbour in the far back – borders my land on the south whom I rarely see ( he just plants there) was by my gate – a friend of his is interested in the land, when he realized it also included 2 houses he was even more interested ( rental income) his plan is to sub – divide into lots etc etc etc…so he is coming to have a look later this week – I do not get too excited anymore – so many have come, took a look then decided either too much land, too much house or too much country….if this gentleman really wants to lot out the reality he has to deal with is adding more electric poles, more water lines and a real access road to the back.. if he has the time and money and patience to deal with the red tape it would be a money maker for him….

    • Tamra Phelps

      I wondered a few times if you had considered selling it in lots, but I was sure you had-and I had no idea what hoops needed to be jumped through to do that. Hopefully, if he wants to divide into lots, he has done this before and knows all the ins & outs, and expects them. He might be the one!

  • Carolyn D

    I have been extra tired lately. It is difficult to find the motivation to get things done around the house after work.

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s pretty chilly, with high humidity, though. moving keeps me warm so there’s lots of dusting, and cleaning going on. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    Outside, it’s a nice day: blue skies with white fluffy clouds. Indoors, I’m feeling a little blah. But, it’s not too bad, just a little bit of an upset stomach. So, I’ve been playing online games and reading. I did mix up some brownies.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Thunder & lightning all night & on and off this morning as well. Just did usual chores till the rain stopped then managed a bit of gardening till it started again.

  • gloria patterson

    Its a beaufiful day almost 80 and nice little breeze blowing in my windows. I have fans going NOT a fan of air conditioning.

    Done a little of this and some of that so far today. I think I will do some painting to see how they turn out.

  • heather

    I woke un in the twilight zone this morning! Last night I spilled a coke by my nightstand and I quickly cleaned it up. While I was cleaning, I knocked over my lamp and sumehow messed up my alarm clock setting??? I ended up getting up at 4:00 am instead of 5:00 am. I got on my computer and I couldn’t figure out why my clock on the laptop was off? After a few minutes I figured it out – TWILIGHT ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jenn fike

    Well, today promises to be interesting. It’s the last week of school and so far my youngest has missed yesterday and today. It looks like I’m going to have to take her to the dr to see if there’s anything they can do to help because she doesn’t want to miss the last 3 days. Also just might try to work outside again though I’m so so sore from all the work I’ve done so far.

  • gloria patterson

    Had to run some errands. Stopped at the discount store found 5 top (all designer names) loved the feel of the material and it cost me $20.56

    Then on to Lowes I am going through a BOLD Color phase. Got a royal blue and orange red (sample) jars $8.00 each planning on painting a dresser and a jewelry cabinet.

    Its a beautiful dau temp now is 83 and breeze coming in my windows

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Drum roll please! Today, I mowed my front lawn!!! It’s taken months to get to this and it’s still very patchy but it’ll come good. Thunder & lightning & torrential rain later on.

  • l p

    the day is going well. my favourite day of the week – baking bread and rolls. I also added yeast doughnuts as a gift for a friend. keep your fingers crossed. thanks

  • heather

    I am playing the waiting game this morning. We are having some trees taken down and they might be here today and then again they might be here tomorrow? I so hate that! I like to know when your going to be here and what time oh and be on time too!

  • Jenn fike

    I did not get laundry done yesterday but I got SO MUCH weeding done. I’ve been trying to get the flower beds in order. We bought this house from an elderly man one year ago yesterday so I’m trying to get everything back in order.

  • Michele Soyer

    Feeling sappy today – 54 years ago today my late husband sat me down in the park across from NYU betweeen classes and told me after 4 months of dating that he loved me… flowers no wine just those 3 words…it did change my life …. everyone here have a lovely day as I will….

  • Shelly Peterson

    Today is a busy day. I have 2 soccer games to go to, a movie and then a bbq. this was supposed to be yesterdays comment. not sure if it went through.

  • gloria patterson

    Slept in this morning till 7:30!! Beautiful day at 6:30 it is 80…………………. windows open nice breeze

    Bought some paint a couple of weeks ago and today I started painting a OLD dresser. It is a Royal Blue lately I am in to BOLD colors.

    Have not done much at all today

    • Kate Sarsfield

      I remember going on a school trip & coming home to discover that Mum had painted my lovely dressing table a putrid pink colour! She’d painted the front door red & had some left over so mixed it with some leftover white. I was so cross with her!

  • Robin Abrams

    My day is going great today. My Children are here and we are having a Taco and movie night. I love spending time with my grown children

  • Jenn fike

    It’s been a strange few days but today is probably a good day to get things back on track. Probably going to do the laundry and head outside and do some more gardening while the days are nice before the rain starts again.

  • heather

    My day is off to a nice start so far it’s gotta be better than yesterday! Things went kind of sideways yesterday and I was in a piss poor mood most of the day because of it. I am going to spoil myself today and have a great Sunday hope you all do too.

  • Michele Soyer

    No one was able to come to tthe property at all these past few days with all the rain…one set plans on rescheduling for this week the others were turned off by the rain – it doesn’t flood here but they were turned off just the same… this is an island.. anyway today I need a “spirit” boost so after utube mass a lovely Sunday lunch with a single malt and my book!

  • Anne Perry

    Today is a good day. No one came to my moving sale yestereday. Someone did buy a dresser off of marketplace.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Our rhodedenren is blooming. It’s pretty, but I’m allergic to it, so I just take a couple photos each year. My husband needs to trim it because it’s getting way too big.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve felt so restless today. I need to go somewhere and do something, but I have no idea where or what, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    Wide awake at 5, cleaned up. Walked to the living room and the recliner started to screw at me………………… It was noon when I woke up…Beautiful day windows open and 75

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Slept & slept after yesterday’s physical exertions! Catching up now on chores I should have done yesterday. I have to give the cats their worm tablets today, that should be fun!

  • heather

    Happy Saturday to you hope you have a great one. I think I am staying pretty close to home today I have been running around all week and I am tired.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I think I pretty much have our summer planned out. Because of my uncle and aunt’s health we aren’t going far on any trip this summer, but are going to be doing about one a month a few hours away in different directions. Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia. 🙂

  • gloria patterson

    I can truely say I have not done much of anything today……………….. the sad part I have not had a nap!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Last Summer was very rainy, and it selm s like tis Spring is the same. If it rains all Summer, too, I’m gonna lose my mind, lol. Why so much rain???

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Lordy, what a day! I found a freezer on FB Marketplace & got it for $65!!! It’s only a year old & in (so far) perfect running order. The owner’s moving house & it’s not needed. Checked Google Maps – just over an hour’s drive away. I got lost 3 times & it ended up taking me 2 hours to get there. Managed to unload it from the car, ‘walked’ the old freezer out round the back of the house & walked the new one in. It’s the first big kitchen appliance I’ve ever bought! Feeling all grown up!!!

  • heather

    Having a nice day so far a little hungry though going to make a big breakfast this morning. Hope you have a wonderful Friday.

  • gloria patterson

    Had a return to walmart, and while there of course I did a little shopping!! Got back put everthing away and started to track my mother down. She was sitting outside in the sun with rollers in her hair and big hat. Her aide was with her and she asked(she was leaving for the day) if mom wanted to go back to her apartment. NO I going to sit out for a long time. Talked abit and them came back to my apartment. Have not done much today

  • Carolyn D

    This week has been quite hectic both with work and news about a loved one. I need the weekend to hurry up and get here so that I can decompress.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The cats let me sleep till 8.30! Joy of joys! Had breakfast, back to sleep till 2.30, back to sleep till 6pm! Playing catch-up now.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. I stayed up late last night binge watching the show Lawmen: Bass Reeves it is excellent!!!!!!!!!!! The show is done by Taylor Sheridan who put out the show Yellowstone and his work is perfect! I love it!

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Ohhhhhhh I will put it on our list. With all the shows done for the season we need some more things to watch. We are in the last season of MASH. I love it. I’m going to be sad when I get to the last episode.

  • Michele Soyer

    Never went downstairs to dust yesterday so after breakfast down I go! looks like this w/e will be a very rainy one so i do hope the people coming come tomorrow not Saturday….anyway this afternoon is a class then off for the next 3 days!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    A very busy day as usual at the rescue centre. I felt quite pleased with myself: one of the resident dogs, a collie with a very traumatic past, allowed me to brush him. He runs & hides from most people so I felt honoured.

    • Tamra Phelps

      That always feels good, right? I remember when a stray cat got into our garage and gave birth, then after several weeks, she just didn’t return. Probably she either was killed or went home and was locked up. Anyway, I worked for days to get those kittens to come to me! It felt so good when they all did. (One, the only tiny female, just flounced right up to me the first day, like “Are you going to feed me?’)

  • l p

    the day is going well. despite the overcast, dull skies and rain, it’s quite warm. kids are coming over for tea so that’s always something to look forward to. made some cookies earlier so what’s left will go home with them. thanks

  • heather

    I am going to try to turn my day around just spent three hours dealing with a Twitter issue. It is such a pain when you can’t deal with a real human to answer your questions.

  • Jenn fike

    Today is shaping up to be a busy yet gloomy day. We have to be at my FIL’s memorial service tomorrow so today I must get the house tidied so my cleaners can come in while we’re gone.

  • Michele Soyer

    I should go downstairs and dust the apartment but bleh – how dusty could it get in a day? After breakfast and a nice walk with the pooch I have languages to do and after lunch Art History, I am so enjoying these courses!

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      That is awesome. Give your brain wrinkles. I can’t remember where I heard that but every time you learn something your brain gets a new wrinkle. I should start a course…….. my brain is starting to go smooth! LOL

  • Suzie B

    I have a pretty big decision to make and Im incredibly nervous that I am going to make the wrong choice… Im feeling really anxious

  • Tamra Phelps

    Not much happening here today. Rain, rain, rain. Everyone seems to have decided to just stay in today, lol.

  • gloria patterson

    I have decided that 7 yr old girls are little time bombs…………………… No school today voting, so great niece was spending day with me. Got here with her mother and she would not stay off her mothers lap. Would not talk or anything. Mommy left she turned in to a little chatty cathy. We were on amazon she found some elfs she wanted (ordered) so off we go to walmart. We spend 2 hrs there looking at stuff and in the toy department. And she found a lot of stuff and we bought it. Got in the car was talking about going to McDonalds and getting milkshakes, and she wanted to go in to get them. OK no problem got halfway there and she says…………… I WANT TO GO TO GMOMMY OR GRANDMOTHERS house. First thing out of my mouth OK I will take you there. THEN NO I WILL TAKE YOU HOME TO YOUR DADDY (and she hate to spend the day with him) Just so happens her mother was there she had a cancelation so ran home. Her mother was not happy with her at all. She said she has been acting strange for a while mood swings!!! Mommy text me she wanted mommy to order her food from McDonalds mommy told her NO and to make herself a sandwich. Daddy called and she apologized for her attitude.

    So it has been a interesting day!!!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It hasn’t stopped raining all day. Completely bucketing down. Of course, I had forgotten to properly close the car windows so had to get very wet. Other than that, the cats & I haven’t budged.

  • Jenn fike

    Well today was another ditch day until it started to threaten to rain. My body is tired and sore and I have blisters on my thumbs. Oh, also my FIL passed away at 2 this morning so there’s that too.

  • heather

    I am still waking up and sipping my hot tea. I am planning a trip to the local library this morning before it gets too hot out. They are saying it is going to be 90 degrees here and that is way too hot for me hate it!

  • Michele Soyer

    Well this week we are having another person come to look at the property… I know it is a lot of land and 2 houses but therre must be someone who wants it..anyway cannot get down again – so off to do my language courses and I also have art history today. module 3 in a new set of courses…I hope everyone here had as lovely a Mothers Day as I did….

  • Sue E

    Family came in from out of town today. They drove here from IL. They came to watch Aidan graduate from high school Wednesday. It’s so good to see them! 💖

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to Walmart today, got groceries. Ugh, it was so crowded. I am getting to the point where I just hate having to navigate through crowded places.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I was still awake at 6am worrying about money. My freezer has died & I have zero funds to replace it. Took out my frustration on the weeds.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Been there,done that, for sure. If you need to earn cash quickly around here, you drive to the closest bigger city and Uber for a day, lol. Would that work in Ireland?

      • Kate Sarsfield

        No. Special licence required & only a fixed number. This is to protect the ‘real’ taxi drivers’ livelihood.

  • Kristi F

    My day is going well, just going to do some yard work. At least my knee is feeling better than it has the last two weeks so that’s good!

  • gloria patterson

    I had planned on going out to do a few things……………. BUT then decieded I was not in the mood. Just done a little of this and that today. Surprise but no naps so far today. No school on tuesday because of voteing so great niece is going to spend the day with me. Her mother told me by text the she caught great niece on the amazon site. I said quilty I taught her how to look and move around………………BUT DID NOT SHOW HER HOW TO BUY!!!!!!!

  • heather

    I did a lot of yard work yesterday and am feeling the pain today for sure. I am going to try to take it a little easy today. Hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband FINALLY started mowing the grass today. :). About time. It was almost up to my waist. Last year our town threatened to put a lein on the house because the grass was so high (I think that is excessive, but you can’t fight city hall!). So I’m glad he’s got it started.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the weather’s very changeable – raining, now it’s clear, clouds are in the offing, and rain will be with us all tomorrow as well. having a good day with family and friends. thanks

  • Tamra Phelps

    We have actually had three days in a row with no rain, lol. I hope tomorrow carries it on because I need to go to the grocery. We have had some impressive aurora lights here in KY. First time I ever remember being able to see them.

  • Elisabeth Miller

    Happy Mother’s Day!! I cooked brunch for my mom this morning, and my son gave me a card that he made and a gift! I hope your day has been eventful also!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Happy Mothers’ Day, America! More gardening today but I had to give up. I have a splitting headache. Sure hope the thunder & lightning happens soon to clear the air.

  • Carolyn D

    Happy Mother’s Day! My morning is going well. I am getting ready in an hour to join my family for brunch. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  • heather

    Happy Mother’s Day pet parents count too. I have a busy day ahead of me today and couldn’t sleep last night just thinking of all I need to get done today.

  • Sue E

    I am one proud grandma!! Two of my grandchildren graduated college! My granddaughter, Ally graduated with an Associate Degree in Arts. My grandson, Jared graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science! They are siblings. I did a “brag” post on my Facebook page about them.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    We went out looking for the northern lights last night, but I had friends in Mobile Alabama post more impressing photos on Facebook than what we saw in West Virginia / Maryland. I don’t like these solar storms. I’ve read a lot of post-apocolyptic fiction (Bobby Akart is a genius with writing) and they often start out with a big solar storm. lol. It’s weird because I’m not much into fiction, but I learned this week that I have aphantasia, and that explains a lot. (I don’t see pictures when people describe something to me.).

  • Tamra Phelps

    No rain today, so that was nice. It was a slow Saturday. Just reading and making some cookies and watching a little TV.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I spent 5 long hours toiling in the garden today. I’m trying to get as much as I can before the weather breaks tomorrow evening. The forecast is for thunder & lightning 🙁 Right now, I’m lying in bed eating some well-deserved chocolate!

  • l p

    the day is going well. woke up very sore after an unexpectedly long, but successful day yesterday. it’s a good day to go for a long walk and stretch the muscles and joints. lots to do when I get home so I guess housework etc., is my physical fitness plan. thanks

  • Alyce Poalilllo

    Must admit that today, this week even has been my best. Struggling with several things that are not working well in my world. But tomorrow is another day.

    • Sue E

      I’m a proud grandma again! Another one of my grandchildren graduated high school!
      That’s 2 grandkids that graduated college and now 2 grandkids that graduated high school! God is good 💖🙏 Thank you Father God!!

  • heather

    I have a pretty busy day ahead of me. I have a lot of last minute shopping to do to prepare for Mother’s Day this Sunday.

  • Michele Soyer

    Total “me” weekend…Took 2 tests yesterday in Art History awaiting results…. One small French lesson today and a new Italian workbook to glance over….after breakfast prepping tomorrows lunch then my chair, my book the pooch and cats next to me and my book! my daughter in the office finishing up a work project then she will join me….

  • Elisabeth Miller

    This is an old book, but I just recently read The Outsiders again. Just because it was the very first book I ever truly enjoyed as a teenager.

  • Elisabeth Miller

    My days are never what I plan them to be! I spent today running last-minute errands and then cooking a nice meal for my mom and my son for mother’s day weekend!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Today was beautiful! Temps in the mid 70s on the East Coast, early 70s in the West, where I am. I could feel the heat getting into my bones! More gardening, a little trip into town for cat food and more hand washing. I really miss not having the washing machine up & running.

  • heather

    Oh my goodness, I did it again! I meant to type the word commenting before 6am in my last comment. I can’t get it right today.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. I commented on one of the posts and made a spelling error. I hate it when you catch the mistake after you have already hit enter. Really I do know how to spell. lol but hey to my credit I was commented before 6:00 am.

  • Renee T

    What’s the last book you read? I can’t recall the last book I read. It’s been a busy time for my family. Thanks.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Another trip to the “city” of 35k which is an hour from me. Today my husband had an appointment. My uncle’s surgery that was scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled (or postponed provided he passes a stress test.) So, we won’t have to make the two hour round trip again tomorrow. (To put it in perspective how much we have been on the road this week, we have a Prius, and we have had to fill up the car on Tuesday and again today. I’m looking forward to a day at home and doing stuff around the house tomorrow, and spending some much needed time with my HoneyButter. We did stop in and take a pizza to my aunt in rehab. My uncle never likes to eat out and I had some Papa John’s giftcards. She was really happy about the pizza, and asked for us to bring a guinea pig next time we visited. 🙂 They allow pets to visit, so we can make that happen!

  • Julia Wilkie

    I had my cataracts removed a few years ago. I couldn’t believe the difference after the first one was removed. I didn’t realize I was seeing the world in sepia tones. I went from needing glasses to only needing glasses for reading and using the computer. Congrats on your road to better vision.

  • Nancy

    My day is going pretty well. Unfortunately the points aren’t adding up on your entry form. I have entered twice now but it doesn’t show up. ?

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day without rain so spent a couple of hours in the garden & did a mountain of handwashing.

    Has anyone else had difficulty sharing FB posts lately? I don’t understand what’s happening but the system has changed. Maybe it’s just me … I don’t know …

    • Tamra Phelps

      Yes, I have, Kate. They must be screwing around with how you can share things. I’ve actually had to download a post and go to Connie’s page and post it myself rather than just share it to her page.

  • l p

    the day is going well. it started early again so I was out running errands before the madding crowd emerged. waiting for an MD phone call. thanks

  • monique s

    My day is going ok so far. The weather is a bit much where I am but staying inside with a cuppa coffee and should be ok.

  • heather

    I am getting ready to do some major yard mowing today. We have gotten a lot of rain lately and the grass is growing like crazy.

  • Michele Soyer

    My new schedule has kept me in line and right now i am off to the dining room table to do art history – my one class of the day so then off to clean the yard of debris and chlorine the walkways!

  • Ashley S

    The last book I read was Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I’d read it before but it’s been awhile and I needed a fluffy, feel-good story.

  • Ashley S

    My day went alright. It’s a little stressful as my elderly grandma is in our home receiving medical support multiple times daily. Other than the stress of that, it was a good day. We had a good dinner, watched Survivor and hung out with my niece.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I finally had my filling in today. The top of my front teeth. And they extend to my nose inside my face, so my nose was also numb for hours. Ugh. Then went to visit my aunt. She broke her hip over the weekend. She is now at rehab.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a fairly n ice day here. It’s a little muggy lately, really humid, but the skies have been clear today, so at least no rain.

  • Ron F

    Had to go to the dentist today to get a filling replaced that was popped out during a cleaning so at least it was under warranty haha.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Back to the rescue centre today. Plenty of volunteers so it was pretty easy-going. Tired now zzzzzzz!

  • Jenny S

    Today has been a little stressful at work. I’m excited to go home and cuddle with my dog. The sun is out too so I have that : )

  • Leslie Price

    I just finished listening to two audiobooks: A World of Curiosities by Louise Penny (fab!) and Holly by Stephen King (SO GOOD!). I’m currently reading Sarah’s Quilt by Nancy E. Turner and I just want to crawl into this series and live there.

  • Barrie

    Today marks perm for my mom and hair trim for me. I’m trying to grow my hair out to my hips and then I’m cutting it short and keeping it there! lol

  • l p

    the day is going well – or will be. the bones are cranky today so it’s time to take them out for a long, leisurely walk now the rain has stopped. thanks

  • Jenn fike

    Today looks to be the last day for a few that I can work in the flower beds so that is the plan for today.

  • Sara Alvaro

    I am currently reading The Orphanage by the Lake by Daniel Miller., and it’s a excellent thriller.

  • Michele Soyer

    Had a lovely shopping day yesterday chatted for a while with the pet shop ladies and the chemist – no one in the supermarket so I skated through…hace everything for a lovely Mothers Day meal…

  • Tamra Phelps

    It has poured rain today. I mean an absolute downpour. With crazy wind. Now it’s calmed down but it keeps blowing up every so often.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another couple of hours spent in the fresh air, gardening, planting, watering & topping up the car with coolant etc.

  • Molli Lillian Taylor

    finally got around to reading animal vegetable miracle and I’m inspired to grow my own food and eat locally!

  • Barrie

    It’s a good day for a good day! Chiropractor yesterday helped my back. Still sore but hopefully on my way to recovery as we get ready for vacation!

  • heather

    My day is off to a nice start so far. Boy, I did not want to get up this morning I was snug as a bug and the house was chilly.

  • Jenn fike

    Today seems ti be a fairly basic day. Though I do need to put a letter in my neighbors mailbox. She has a bunch of backdated fan animals; hosts, chickens, turkeys, etc. She Let’s them roam free and are now causing damage to my property so she needs to find a way to keep them in her own yard.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I made a big purchase at Amazon today. And not one that is exactly fun. ha! You need to have your affiliate link a little easier to find, BTW. Amazon is having a promo of spend $100 on pet food and get a $30 credit. So I ordered over $100 of guinea pig food, hay, treats, etc. Sure do love my girls though, and even ordered a treat that is specially formulated to help with joint support. My HoneyButter likes to think she is a baby, but at 5, that’s a bit older, and I wonder if she has a touch of arthritis, most pigs do when they get older. RedBird and Pippi are 3.

  • Sue E

    I’m doing OK today. I thought I would feel worse, because it’s the day after the second anniversary of my husband’s death. God has helped me through it!

  • Polly Hall

    Dinner and cards with the girls although one of my friends couldn’t make it she had a hip replacement 4 days ago.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ever have those days when you really just wish people woukd leave you alone and let you have a day with no phone calls or errands to run or appoitments to keep?? That’s my mood today.

  • l p

    the day is going well. baking bread as usual. trying out a a new recipe – hope it turns out as well as the picture. thanks

  • Jenn fike

    Today seems like it’ll be a good day for outside. It’s not raining but slightly overcast, not supposed to rain and not unbearably hot.

  • heather

    My cat is super lovey this morning and she is cracking me up. I am trying to type and she is rubbing up on me saying good morning mommy.

  • Michele Soyer

    I planned on going to the shoppes this morning but our LPG cylinder delivery is today so shopping tomorrow….

  • l p

    the day is gong well. lunch with a family member who just returned from a trip. so great to hear the stories and see the pictures. thanks

  • Barrie

    Today is a good day! I got a lot of sleep last night! We bought a new to use used car yesterday, so that was very exciting. Getting ready for our trip to Alaska in 10 days!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Later I have to get in a grocery pickup, but right n ow I’m just watching true crime on TV and doing nothing. Doctors appointment tomorrow. Possible kidney infection, again.

  • Jenn fike

    Today is another gloomy rainy day. But the laundry is finished and the kids will be cleaning their rooms and I’ll be cleaning the house.

  • heather

    I am just warming up the house we got snow here last night mostly right abouv us but still snow? Happy Cinco de Mayo! I am making some enchiladas and beans today.

  • Michele Soyer

    I realized that I have been in a sort of “feeling sorry for myself” phase – hoping to sell and it just isn’t happening – etc.. and because of this I have let my schedule of courses stop. This will not do at all…Soooo to remedy this I have printed out an old school schedule ( yes just like school days) and now I have a plan..
    My languages on certain mornings and Art History on the others….As my daughter remminded me “you have paid” for these so get going…Tomorrow i must go to the shoppes but the schedule starts Tuesday….
    I have left plenty of cooking and reading time… wish there more hours in a day…

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have watched house renovation shows all day, exept for taking 3 minutes to watch the KY Derby. i don’t know why I love renovation shows so much. I have no plans to renovate ever, lol.

  • Jenn fike

    I am currently in a nasty mood with zero reason to be. Everything is irritating me and it’s a gloomy overcast day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Yay me! I managed a good wash & headed into the garden (and no, Gloria, I was not naked!). Tired out after about an hour but it’s a start.

  • Barrie

    I’ve had minimal sleep last night due to being on a prednisone pack as an anti-inflammatory. It’s working but giving me insomnia. Only 4 more days of taking it though!

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      it didn’t like me much either! Dang site went down for about 4 minutes (LONGEST 4 minutes EVER!!) and the error message said the site was up for auction?!?!?! OHHHHHHHHHHH BOY did GoDaddy get an ear full. I’m paid up until 2025. LITTLE )#*$&#$*((*U!! LONG 4 minutes.

  • heather

    I have some running around to do today. Right now still waking up and enjoying this rain we are getting here.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today my father has been gone for 21 years…. not a day goes by that I don’t think of him – speak of him and I miss him so very much! The times I walked in their house and he told me good paint job Michele ( he liked my makeup) that was his sense of humor…..

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m feeling a little bloated and yucky vecause of a kidney infection, so I didn’t get out of bed until about noon. The day has been rainy, and I like just laying in bed listening to rain, anyway.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Got up & managed a few chores and went slug hunting today. Didn’t get dressed ‘cos that means having a good top-to-toe wash and that means boiling the kettle and I don’t have the energy or inclination to get naked!

    • gloria patterson

      Now Kate you knew I was going to ask………… WHAT THE HELL IS SLUG HUNTING??????????

      “”Didn’t get dressed”” ……… And were you outside naked???????????????????? R O F L M A O

    • Michele Soyer

      Oh gosh Kate…I so want one day for you to tell us you took the day off – relaxed and just enjoyed yourself….

  • l p

    the day is going well. didn’t get the greatest sleep so a couple of early robo-calls weren’t welcome. hoping family members who are travelling today don’t run into any problems. doing some baking to welcome them home. thanks

  • heather

    Well, my day can only go up from here! I woke up this morning and the dog had ‘an accident’ in the livingroom and I stepped in it in the dark! I was at a NEW LEVEL of PISSED OFF!!!!!! Thank the Lord I had my slippers on! I am starting to simmer down a little bit. I just love cleaning first thing in the morning puts me in a rosey mood.

  • Michele Soyer

    I just finished Leaving by Roxana Robinson….I thought it was very good….an older in life romance and all the complications…. my favourite genre will always be Scandinavian noir…..

  • Jennifer Wilson

    The last book I read or listened to? I am not even sure what the last one I finished was. I think I’m up to 28 this year (although that’s not many for me by this time of year. I spent most of February cross stitching instead of reading.). I think the last one I finished was Sold — a book that has been banned for explicit scenes because a girl is sold to a brothel in India. It was explicit, but it needed to be to convey the story.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I don’t know how your site got out of my daily must visits, but something reminded me of it, and here I am. I can’t even remember last time I was here. My big news of the year is my guinea pig was a Cadbury bunny finalist (2nd year in a row!) and we visited some TV stations and libraries, and had so much fun even though she didn’t win. If you search YT for KDKA guinea pig, our interview in Pittsburgh comes up.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went for an ultrasound of my upper abdomen this morning. It’s for my gastroenterologist. Next up is a colonoscopy…not looking forward to that, lol.

  • Jenn fike

    Well today wasn’t super great but I guess they all can’t be. My middle daughter woke me up last night having wet the bed so I was kind of cranky all day which sticks. Had to do my weekly grocery trip and wasn’t able to do anything outside really because of my sunburn from yesterday.

  • Polly Hall

    I read the 3rd book of Dean Koontz’s Odd series really like them but I cannot read all of them at once. So many other good authors to read like Jonathan Kellerman, Jeffery Deaver, Micheal Connelly and Harlan Coban to name just a few.

  • gloria patterson

    Its a beautiful day about 84 now, windows open a little breeze coming in. Mom and I had a appointment with the agency (in her apartment) regarding her aide 2 hrs a day, 5 days. She asked a lot of questins and had to adjust a lot of the information. In the end she is suggesting that her aide goes from 2 hrs to 3 hrs a day. So that should change in the next week.

    After she left got a few things done then took a nap. Birthday party tomorrow just have to pick up the cakes.

  • l p

    the day is going well. spent a lot of time at the bank dealing with family issues but things were finally settled in my favour. yay! thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    As we say over here, Connie, you won’t know yourself after the surgery. Be prepared for a bit of a shock though when you do get to see what time has done to your skin! Well worth it though! Mum had both eyes done when she was in her 70s & only wore glasses for close work.

    I’ve spent most of the day in bed again but am able to do a bit more every day. I might even get dressed tomorrow!

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      I’m scared. LOL!! It’s gonna be bad. Maybe this week really isn’t the week to cut my hair super short. I HAD THOUGHT I wanted long hair again. All it’s done is made me feel old, frumpy and angry that my hair won’t do that whole Instagram BEAUTIFUL hair. ROFLMAO! I AM SO FUNNY!!!
      I’m going to go as short as possible without a crew cut. I think. I’ve changed my mind a zillion times already.

  • DeeAnn

    I’m a huge sci-fi fan. the last book I read was The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy ( for about the millionth time!!) lol

  • heather

    I am just warming up the house at the moment. We got some nice rain last night and I think it is still raining a little right now. I wish it would rain a few times a week I love it and it keeps everything nice and green. I dread the hot summers and the fire season here. I can’t believe I used to lay out and sunbathe in that heat now I hide from the sun. Man I got old….

  • Barrie

    I just started reading a new book and it’s really good! It’s called Tomlin by GiGi Meier. It’s a duet and both ebooks were recently FREE!

  • Barrie

    I’m not doing too hot. I threw out my back and now it will not relax. I swear the older I get, the more stuff is worse than it used to be. On a positive note, my child has completed their first week of work as an office administrator!

  • Jenn fike

    I’m currently attempting to read “The main character”. It’s taking a while because I’m not really in a “ready” mood lately 😒

  • Jenn fike

    Well I commented on the wrong post earlier, but I DID IT! I finally finished the first flower bed! (It still needs edging and mulch but it’s done for now) however I’m now the color of a stop sign and giving off the heat of 1000 suns.

  • gloria patterson

    YOU are going to love seeing after the cataract surgery. It is a shock but so great. I had my finally appointment in March and I don’t need glasses………… First time in 50+ years no glasses. Its hard I am always reaching for them. The other day one of my eyes had a inch and I started to push the glasses up to scratch BUT NO GLASSES.

    I am reading different books ever couple of days……
    John Sandford
    Lee Child …. Reacher books…….. if you have Amazon Prime they have a season 1 and season 2 now Jack Reacher
    Clive Cussler
    Just to list a few

    Today it was off to walmart to order the cakes and buy all the party stuff. Then I post signs on all floors to come to the party…………….. then had 2 hr nap

  • Sue E

    Hello! Cataract surgeries is why I haven’t been around.
    I woke up one morning and couldn’t see out of one eye!
    My left eye was blurry. I thought I was going blind, because of my age and my Diabetes. Plus I still have crying bouts! I miss my husband!! I had two surgeries.
    One for my right eye and then my left- 2 weeks apart!
    I had to drown my eyes with 3 different types of drops and wear a protective plastic patch over the eye at night to protect it. I can see better than I did, because I had a lens inserted in each eye so I can see far. Now I need glasses to see near/read. I am so happy about that ! I’m
    HAPPY for you too!

  • Elizabeth

    Bob Stanley’s biography of the Bee Gees is mesmerizing! I also read a lot of manga. I’m hoping to get more into audiobooks this year, but my mind tends to wander more than with visual reading…

  • Elizabeth

    Stressful morning, but I’m so happy that the new Lemon Twigs album is supposed to be delivered to me today!

    • Elizabeth

      I’m really sorry! I’m a longtime Sharks fan mourning the Hertl trade and stressing over the draft, so I know what pain hockey can cause….

  • Tamra Phelps

    My brother found me one of those ‘portable washers’, you can basicall wash a load of about 4 or 5 items. He will set it up for me in the bathroom. He found it on one of those bidding sites, brand new, and he only paid $20!! It goes for about $199 usually. Hopefully it works well. I can’t get to the apartment complex’s laundry, so I rely on his family to take my laundry, or I go to the laundromat. Still, being able to wash things, even a few things, on my own here would be nice.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve been re-reading all the old Jonathan Kellerman novels about Alex Delaware/Milo Sturgis crime solvers, lol. I’ve been reading them since the 80s. There are over 30 at this point. I decided to read them starting with the most recent, which was weird, I guess. But I kind of remember them. Still, I can’t usually remember who did it if it was from 30 years ago, lol. Now I’m on ‘Blood Test’ from 1986. It amazes me how much time they spent trying to find pay phones in these old novels!!

  • Melanie B

    Last book I’ve read was Haven Jacobs Saves the Planet by Barbara Dee; I love reading middle grade books!

  • l p

    the day is going well. the sun’s trying to get through the clouds and the rain/snow mix is slowing down. sure hope the cataract surgeries go well for you. thanks

  • Natalie

    I have been dealing with some chest and back pain but the weather is gorgeous today so that makes me feel better!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I was up at 5.30 with the cats so washed my face in the early morning dew. It’s supposed to make you beautiful! I’m still ill & coughing till I pee my pants! I had to pop out for cat food & chocolate then back to my bed.

  • Laura DeLaRosa

    The last book I read was Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor by Shawn M. Warner that went viral on tiktok last summer. It was a very good mystery.

  • Maureen

    I just finished the book by Karen Kingsbury called –Someone Like You. I think it is a movie but the book was wonderful and I finished it so quickly– I wanted to know how it ended. :)!

  • heather

    I am currently reading the book called In Too Deep by L. K. Shaw it’s pretty good so far and easy to read.

  • heather

    Happy May Day! I love the month of May here it is so beautiful The flowers are all blooming, the trees all have their new leaves, the fields are all nice and green it is lovely.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      So jealous! First it snowed on the 29th then the flowers that had bloomed the deer ate. SOOOO I’m ready for May! THIS time THE MINUTE I see a bloom I’m putting it in a vase inside the house! I WILL enjoy my flowers this year. LOL

  • Donna S

    A beautiful sunny day here in Barrie, Ontario. A high expected of 19C (that translates to 66F). A nice way to start off the month of May.

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