Your Celebrity Baby Scoop!! recently interviewed Buffy alum Sarah Michelle Gellar, who
 excitedly shared the details about her partnership with March of Dimes and the Sounds of Pertussis campaign, “trusting your instinct” as a parent, being in “heaven” with her sweet son, Rocky, and how her kids handled their first airplane ride!

On teaming up with March of Dimes and the Sounds of Pertussis campaign: “It’s something that I did for my children and for myself. The Sounds of Pertussis has a partnership with the March of Dimes, and they’re trying to get people to understand that it’s not just babies that carry pertussis. It can be the adults that give it to them. When you hear the statistics, it’s staggering. When they trace back to where these young infants are getting it from – which can be potentially fatal – 80% of the time it was given to them by a family member, and 50% of the time by the parents.”

“As any new parent will tell you, the greatest fear is a newborn getting sick. Could you imagine if you were the one that did it? The best way to help prevent this is to vaccinate yourself and your children against it. So I’m happy to spread the word.”

On whether she vaccinated her children with all the recommended childhood immunizations:
“Yes, I made the decision to vaccinate my children at a schedule that I agreed upon with my pediatrician. I can only speak in depth on the pertussis vaccine. And I can tell you that all of us have had the vaccine and none of us have had any symptoms related to anything.”

On how her two kids, daughter Charlotte, 3, and 8-month-old son Rockyare doing: 
“They’re good. I reached a milestone and flew on a plane with both children. I had an extra hand with me as I didn’t want the plane to revolt against me [laughs]. But, they were great and they loved it. My little one slept 2 1/2 hours and then played for a little bit. And my older one was just in heaven on the airplane.”

On why she thinks mothering her son, Rocky, is easy-going:
“I think it’s because he’s the second. I think the best advice you can ever give to a new parent is to trust your instincts. But it’s hard to really understand that the first time because everything is so new and overwhelming. So by the second time, you know you’re probably not going to break them, and you hopefully know what you’re doing. I think it comes much easier – for me it has.”

On how she’s kept Rocky shielded from the paparazzi:

“We’ve been very fortunate. We lead very private lives, it’s not like we go to many of the hot spots. If I gave you all my secrets, then you’d see me every day!”

On her upcoming Father’s Day plans:
“We always say that every day is Father’s Day and every day is Mother’s Day so we don’t make a big deal out of that specific day. And we always spend the weekends together as a family anyway.”

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