• Smithsonian Mars Dig

    The Cure From The Dreaded “I’m BORED!!” Thank You Target!

    Sometimes doesn’t it feel like summer vacation won’t ever END!??!!?  Like when will the kids finally go back to SCHOOL!!?!?!  Now, that really is a double edge sword right there. I remember when my baby Zachary graduated from school and moved into his first apartment. That empty nest hit me HARD. I walked into Target intent on doing my shopping when I saw the Back To School sale had started. OHMYYYYYYYYGOSH!!! I totally broke down. We are talking THE UGLY CRY!! I was a solid mess. IN. THE. MIDDLE. OF. WALMART.  Let’s just say more than a few heads turned that day. I rushed out of the store, sat in…

  • How To Help Your Children Master Handwriting and Letter Formation

    Despite the fact that we live in a digital age, the art of handwriting is still a necessary skill. For example, many application forms and even job applications still require handwritten letters. It’s a skill that remains essential even in the modern world.  Of course, there are also plenty of opportunities when being able to type is essential. That’s why the best early learning centers place equal emphasis on mastering handwriting and computer skills. It’s essential that your children master handwriting and keyboard skills.  In addition, they need to be able to format a letter properly. The format is the same regardless of whether they are using handwriting or a…

  • Roleplay Ideas That Teach Your Child About The World

    Nothing is more crucial to a child’s development than play. As it is commonly said: Play is child’s work. Children learn about the world through play and toys and ‘dressing-up’ and role-play is an essential part of this exercise.  When children don a superhero costume, or pretend to be a doctor or teacher, they are using their knowledge of that subject coupled with their imagination – and that can never be a bad thing. In pretending to be someone else, they are learning the ways of that world or person or profession.  Here are some roleplay ideas to encourage your child – depending on their interests and personalities – that…

  • Gabby and the dark

    Did You KNOW Ripley’s Had Children’s BOOKS?!??!

    First, did you know that the Ripley Believe It or Not books that I love has more than just the Believe It Or Not titles?? I had NO IDEA!! From picture books to adventure books. You can check out the titles on Amazon. Ripley Believe It or Not books Since I am in full on Christmas mode already I want to share with you four titles that would be GREAT for gift giving. I am and always have been a firm believer that books are always under the Christmas tree. I take full credit for the fact that my daughter Selena is a veracious (look at me with my big…

  • Students in school

    What Educational Games Should I Play with My Child?

    You all want your child to grow up and be a smart confident person, and that starts by playing educational games with them at a young age. There is a fine line that you must toe to get the most knowledge without your child losing confidence. If you play a difficult game with your child they may not grasp the concept and lose confidence in their abilities. Conversely, if you play a game that is too easy they will be confident in their answers, but they are not gaining the same level of knowledge. The child care center of Sydney offers educational games of all levels to match your child’s…

  • ImaginativeU Ready-to-Use Activity Kits For Kids Age 4-10 #Review

    I am so disappointed that this business no longer exists. It makes me so sad. This was such a fun kit. However, Etsy to the rescue. There are plenty to choose from. I went a little overboard with pictures again, but Alice and I had so much fun with our ImaginativeU Ready To Use Activity Kit!! Watching 3-year-old Alice during the week includes a lot of play time, crafts and of course I have to throw in some learning time too. I absolutely LOVE to watch Alice’s face light up when I tell her it’s craft time!! It’s a huge bonus when I combine learning time with craft time! Usually,…

  • Beautiful Oops! By Barney Saltzberg

    With Christmas blazing towards at breakneck speed I’m thrilled to share with you some great idea’s for gifts starting with this a great book from Chinaberry. Chinaberry is a San Diego based business that has so many things for kids!! OH MY GOODNESS!! From books, pretend play to baby shower gifts and so much more!! Today I want to tell you about Beautiful Oops! A book written by Barney Saltzberg. And it’s not just me that is in love with our new book, but 3 year old Alice has requested this book every day since it arrived. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!! This is the perfect book for kids in general, but for kids…