10 Gift Ideas that Moms Would Surely Love

mothers day Mom and DaughterMoms know best which is why it can be a bit difficult to buy presents for them. They can be meticulous and very particular with things but at the same time, you love her dearly so you wish to give all the best things in life just to see her smile and be genuinely happy.

Below are variety of gift ideas that you can give to your mother. This is perfect for her birthday, Mother’s Day or even when there’s no special occasion and you just want to show her your love and gratitude.
1. Kitchen appliances – moms love to cook and work in the kitchen. So giving her some kitchen appliances is definitely a good idea. You can check out her kitchen and see what she needs. Perhaps you can give her new kitchen appliances. Online shops like Harris Scarfe has slow cookers, microwave, rice cooker, and refrigerators, so buying one is so convenient and fast. She will definitely love to use these kind of gift.
2. Bag – women love bags and your mom will love to receive one too. You should pick a design that fits her style and personality. It does not have to be really expensive.
3. Shoes – a new pair of shoes is another gift idea perfect for women. Choose a style and design according to the personality of the recipient which in this case is your mom.
4. Perfume – Perfume – give your mom a bottle of her favorite perfume.  Or an updated option like pheromones for women that can help to really boost her confidence! 
5. Personalized card – if you want to be more sentimental and personal then you should create a personalized card for her. This gift is perfect for Mother’s Day. You should include in the card a sweet dedication saying how grateful you are for her love and care and of course, articulate your unconditional love for her too. She will find this sweet and touching.
6. Home-cooked dinner – your gift shouldn’t always be material things. Sometimes a sweet gesture like preparing a dinner and cooking for your mom is the best present that you could offer. Prepare her favorite dishes and make the ambiance really sweet, complete with candles and music.
7.  Spa and massage – moms usually work very hard in the house and some even work in the office. They get tired but they usually do not want to show it to their family. So for her birthday or even when there is no occasion, you should give her a spa and massage treatment. Give her a gift certificate that she can use or you can go have a massage with her. It is a great bonding moment!
8.  Travel tour – another perfect present to help your mother have a relaxing time is a travel and tour package. Pick her favourite travel destination that she loves to visit. You can come along and have some quality time together.
9.  Book – does your mom love to read? A good book will always be a nice gift idea to give in any occasion.
10. Flowers – make her feel special and beautiful by giving her a really beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers.
These gift ideas will definitely put a smile on your mom’s face. Be the best and sweetest son or daughter that you can be by showering her with not only material things but moreover your time and love. She will certainly appreciate it.


  • Kate Sarsfield

    Aw heck, I shouldn’t have landed on this one. Mum’s 87 on Tuesday … I’ve got her a card & perfume but we’re not really in a celebratory mood …

  • Tamra Phelps

    My Mom would go for the home cooked meal. She would go for a restaurant gift card, too, if it meant she didn’t have to cook, lol.

  • Rosie

    I find a gift card to a restaurant is always well received, along with flowers!! Nothing creative, but nothing wasted!


    Kitchen appliances? I think not! Not my Mum anyway! Dad once gave her a pressure cooker for a wedding anniversary present and she threw it at his head, smashing a window!

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