• Wheeeeeee

    As in wii Resort that is. DH and I played for 4 hours!! In that 4 hours I realized I can’t handle a sword very well (as in not at ALL!). Canoeing is great if you don’t give me a paddle cause I’m a right turner and I cause the canoe to go in circles. Wake-boarding …. well, I can’t swim anyway so REALLY why do I want to jump around on a board?? Golfing is good if you like the sand….. and the tree’s…. Table tennis… Ummmm stupid paddle I think mine has a hole in it. Bowling? Okay NOW we’re talkin’. At least I gave DH a little…

  • Ohhh it’s hereditary alright!

    I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the Carlsbad Marathon. Lot’s of different thoughts actually. I could just hold a fund raiser…. get Selena back her $75.00 entry fee. I could hire a stunt double that looks like me… and will whine and complain the whole route… Then it dawned on me…. the Half Year Challenge blog will be over by race time I can say “I’m going to do it!! FOR ME!!” Everyone will be impressed and proud of me….. but and NO ONE WOULD know if I chickened out!! Wait… forget this last part. Let’s just go back to everyone being sooooo impressed!!!

  • I don’t THINK soooo!!

    So… I’d like to share this email from my darling daughter Selena (You know… the one we will from now on refer to as the INSANE ONE!! I love you Selena! But you are NUTS?!?! Mom, Guess what you and Dan are doing together in January?? Yep, I bought my running slot a long time ago and thought I would be good for it by now but it looks like I won’t be. Better get training. It will be a ridiculously rewarding achievement. Please don’t say no. Dan will be walking and jogging it. I will be there as moral support. It’s 13.2 miles, typically you should be up to…