• To sum it up….

    I can best describe the last couple of days & especially nights as ……… With all the tossing and turning and NOT sleeping ……… I’m starting to get a little (LOT) grumpy and short tempered. I could REALLY use a WHOLE nights sleep!! PLEASE!??!?!?!?!?!?!? Otherwise SOMEONE is going to get hurt! And since it’s just DH and myself in the house GUESS WHO I PICK!??!?!?!??  

  • No bye bye…. yet….please…..

    I’m going to miss summer. It’s so much easier for me to eat healthy. Number 1 it’s too hot to really over eat (who am I kidding?!? I could over eat in an oven! But in my fantasy blog saying it’s too hot to eat sounds so much better!) Number 2 I love fresh fruit. Green grapes, white meat peaches and watermelon. I know I KNOW! I live in California where I can get all that year around but I like it when it’s more $$reasonably$$ priced!! (that’s just nice way to say I’m really cheap!) I did really good today. I ate smart. I exercised this morning for 45…

  • Week 10! Can you believe it!?!?!

    I am so excited to report -2 pounds this week! So that makes 15 pounds GONE BABY GONE!! As of today I am half way to my goal. Hot diggity! YEA MEEE!!! Ohhhh hold the phone…. I think I better count how many weeks I have left for the Half Year Resolution!! (I crack myself up!!! I was GOING to say ’cause I may have to step it up a little in weight-loss…….. yea…….. we all know I don’t have that much willpower!!! So nevermind) Okay here comes the blah blah part. I walked with my weighted vest every weekday morning. I even added another 5 pounds to the weighted…