• Long Weekend

    A nice quiet day to start off the long Labor Day weekend. So far I’ve done very well, I haven’t buried my face in the peanut butter jar even once!! (But let’s face it… it’s only Saturday) I made sure there is plenty of fresh fruit in the fridge. There are snack baggies with single servings of almonds in the cupboard. Yoplait Whips in the freezer for that sweet fix. I think I’ve got my bases covered. I can get thru this weekend with out a gain! Unless someone wants to drop off a bag of M&M’s… I’d have to accept them…. it’s rude not to accept a gift. So?…

  • So that’s how it’s done!!!

    Del Mar horse races: WAY more fun when you #1. you WIN…. #2. You actually learn a little about how to bet…. did you know that just because a jockey wears your favorite color doesn’t mean that they will win?!?!? Also….. the last race is NOT the time to pick 6.

  • Week 9

    I am down another TWO POUNDS!!! For a total of 13 pounds. I am so excited! Kaki and I walked again this morning. Weighted vest (Extra weights added). I’ve been careful with my carbs and sugar intake. Slow but sure it’s comin’ off. Now the trick is…. not gain anything on the long weekend. PLEASE!!!!! I need to stay busy and not munch away my 2 pound loss. So if you see me in public with food….. never mind…. I may bite you if it’s something I really REALLY want. So never mind…… so for right now…. Happy DANCE!!