• You are getting sleepy…..

    I choose tonight’s picture because it was cute and inspirational. But it’s backfired big time!! I’ll be dreaming about french fries or a stuffed baked potato. Okay, this is NOT HELPING!! But, I REALLY want an order of French Fries and a side of … well… anything chocolate actually. Dieting would be so easy for me if I could be one of those people that could care less about chocolate. (It’s hard for me to even imagine those people really exist!! It’s not natural!!) How come the foods I’m not crazy about like brocolli or celery can’t be the fattening foods? Ohhhhh maybe a hypnotist could make me believe that…

  • Nope… never

    DH went to the doctor today. He is on the road to recovery, but he should expect about 2 more weeks of the same aches, cough and sore throat. It’s a nasty cold, thankfully nothing more serious. Now, the part that no doctor has ever in my 51 years ever said to me…… But to DH the doctor says ”Your weight is getting to low. You really need to eat!” Nope… never ever heard those words from another living soul …. let alone a doctor!! I get a cold and I gain weight! Of course, even when he is well, DH says he wants to lose a couple pounds and…

  • Welllll…….

    Let’s see….I’m trying to decide what to blog about tonight. I don’t want to tell you I had Pizza AND CAKE for lunch (Happy Birthday Dr. Louie!). I don’t want to tell you I didn’t exercise today. (Kaki’s sick… remember I can’t walk alone…. scary ummm big dogs?? Okay fine I’m just lazy). DH still sick. House still an overwhelming mess. And what I really really want right now?? A big Reese Peanut Butter cup. Yummmm. It’s a good thing I’m as lazy as I am or I would be sitting in the middle of candy wrappers with a chocolate mustache right now. Instead? I’m off to bed. See ya…