• Sleepy girl…..

    Well, I was doing pretty good until I sat down to update my blog. Now, all of a sudden I can hardly keep my eyes open! WOW I don’t normally go from 60 mph to DONE this quick. But I am seriously so sleepy I think I will call it a night. Tomorrow is moving day for my Mom….. soooo if you wanna schlep boxes come onnnnnnn over!! Otherwise I will see you tomorrow night. Don’t forget to vote! (I am not competitive! I don’t know where you got that idea! But you have voted… right??)

  • Time to Elf UP!!

    I think I’m finally done with my Christmas shopping! I’m usually done by December 1st, not being done till the week of Christmas?!?!? Waaay tooo stressful for me!! I was determined to finish today no matter how long it took. As a result I was out too late and I came home grumpy and hungry. NOT a good combination because I grabbed biscotti and fudge for dinner!! Ohhhhh that’s BAD!!! Bad as in my stomach is rebelling …… the fudge/biscotti dinner is just not settling!! Okay… seriously?! Who would have thought I wouldn’t feel good after a junk food dinner?!?!? ME?!!? I swear my body before the Half Year Resolution…

  • Ho ho ho…

    Tonight all you get is HELLO! Worked today till 1pm. Came home cooked. Now getting ready to head out the door to our staff Christmas Party. Where I am going to eat and eat and eat!! Tomorrow I’ll feel guilty. (Not too guilty cause I’ve heard what everyone is bringing! YUM!!! Betcha’all wish you were me!! Or knew where the party was just for the food!!) Okay you know the drill at the end of the blog…. I’m making sure that there is a link to the voting site at the end of every post just in case you still haven’t voted. My hope is you’ve found my journey inspirational…