• Little Suzy Homemaker..

    Yup, that’s me. Little Susy Homemaker! I was on such a ROLL!! Double batch of fudge DONE! Double batch of Brandy Sauce DONE!! 6 batches of Biscotti….ahhh…… NOT DONE! Seems SOMEONE … DH I mean RH (RH for ROTTEN Husband) forgot to buy flour. (okay maybe I forgot to put it on the list. BUT I baked all day!! He HAS to be in trouble for SOMETHING!!) But 3 batches are done. I have sampled and tasted and picked at the crumbs all day. BAD BAD BAD CONNIE!! THIS IS WHY I DON’T BAKE!!!!! I eat too much when I do! BUT! I have a fix to the holiday weight…

  • Blah blah blah…..

    I missed my blah blah blah post last week. It’s amazing how the holiday’s throw life into fast forward! This week I walked with Kaki minus the weighted vest but added the new Sketcher Shape Up shoes. I dunno if this would make anyone else say “hummmm I wonder…..” But, I have these nice new and expensive shoes ($109!!) would adding the 30 pound weighted vest make the soles wear out faster? Would it do anything to the curve of the shoe? I think it’s just me being a ding-a-ling. I mean I was 28 pounds heavier…That’s almost the vest weight. So wearing the vest shouldn’t make a difference. Right?…

  • Ouch ouch OUCH!!!

    Apparently the whole leaving the size FOUR pair of jeans at the store has caused my body to rebel?! I have had such a major headache today I can’t keep my eyes open. I think it’s my bodies way of saying ARE YA INSANE?! You need PROOF! Get the JEANS!?!? (Are ya buyin’ that? At all? Even a little??!) Okay fine me either. But I am going back to bed. See ya tomorrow! Did ya vote? Okay wait… did you vote FOR ME!? Thank you!!