• Time to vote! For real now!

    The voting site is back up!! So to recap…..I am hoping you have found my journey to be inspirational as well as entertaining. If so please… VOTE for ME!! If not… well, vote for me anyway!! (As in me me me Connie me me me!!!) The voting box is up on the right hand side. It looks like this time you have to enter your email address and date of birth. You won’t get any emails from Channel 10!! It’s just a validation step. So please go vote!! Ohhh wait!!! Now would be a great time to show before and after pictures wouldn’t it?!?!

  • Now do this….

    Today was my weekly phone call withTyler at WellStrong Fitness. Since I’m down again this week (27 pounds total!! WOOO HOOO!!) Tyler wants me to add an extra time with the jump rope, I don’t have to do a lot 5 to 10 minutes a couple times a week should do it. The little extra exercise will help my body continue to burn the fat. Burning fat GOOD! (course I’m still irritated that HotFLASHES don’t burn fat!!) This is day 3 that I wore my Sketcher Shape-ups only today I wore them all day (They are very comfortable! It’s 10:00 p.m. and I still have them on!) The way the…

  • Whewwww

    Okay commercial done. WHEW!! You’ll be happy to hear I didn’t put my hands on my head. I stuttered thru a couple of takes and Trudi worked her magic and put them all together to make the winning video!? It will be if you’ll go vote for me on Monday! Did ya see how I just threw that right in there?! THAT was shameless!! (Here is the link, ohhhhh it’s just painful to watch myself talking about MYSELF!!) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Half-Year-Resolution/227962245163?ref=mf So I rewarded myself and I bought new shoes!! I bought a pair of Sketcher Shape-ups for walking. (DH can’t make a fuss over these….. because exercise shoes don’t count as…