Now do this….

Today was my weekly phone call withTyler at WellStrong Fitness. Since I’m down again this week (27 pounds total!! WOOO HOOO!!) Tyler wants me to add an extra time with the jump rope, I don’t have to do a lot 5 to 10 minutes a couple times a week should do it. The little extra exercise will help my body continue to burn the fat. Burning fat GOOD! (course I’m still irritated that HotFLASHES don’t burn fat!!) This is day 3 that I wore my Sketcher Shape-ups only today I wore them all day (They are very comfortable! It’s 10:00 p.m. and I still have them on!) The way the Shape-Ups are designed with the round soles you are forced to align your body when you walk which made me very aware of my abs. My abs feel like I did a bunch of crunches. Now, I wasn’t sore this morning when I woke up, but before today, I’ve only worn them for my walk (so about 50 minutes each morning). Today however, I’ve had them on all day!! That might not have been the brightest idea I’ve had if I’m sore tomorrow. I’ll let ya know. (LOL like I’m NOT going to complain if I hurt! HELLO!??! Have we met!?!?) See ya tomorrow!

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