• Voting site is UP!!

    The voting site is up!! I am hoping you have found my journey to be inspirational as well as entertaining. If so please… VOTE for ME!! If not… well, vote for me anyway!! (As in me me me Connie me me me!!!) Don’t worry you don’t have to go thru withdrawals quite yet I will continue to blog up till the very last day that Channel 10 will let me!! The voting box is up on the right hand side.

  • Can’t sleep….

    I need a ‘can’t sleep’ night every once in awhile, cause I got tons done this morning all before 7am! Now if I could just get that momentum back tomorrow (my day off) I’d be a happy girl. Wait… the cleaning part won’t make me happy (I haven’t completely lost my mind! YET!) BUT, the CLEAN house will make me feel sooo much better. I’ll crank up the music and make it my workout too!! Okay, that’s the plan! Now let’s hope I don’t ’snooze’ button myself into laziness!! See ya tomorrow!

  • Heee heeee

    I know I’ve whined before how much I hate moving/packing. But tonight as I was helping pack up my Mom’s place it dawned on me…. why not as least have a little fun. So some of those packed, sealed and categorized/labeled boxes have odd and random items as well. Things that mayyyyybe came from the trash pile. Ohhhhh it’s just a small random sarcastic thing that made packing not as bad today. So my exercise today was: lifting, bending, walking, stacking, folding…..over and over and over again. I’d like to say we are DONE… but I’ll be hiding more ‘treasures’ a couple more weekends. BOY, I’ll be glad when the…