• Packin’ packin’ packin’

    Road trip!!  Vegas baby!!  But first must pack because I leave right after work tomorrow.  WOOO HOOOO!!  Send me some strong $$ vibes!  Wait… as in strong WINNING MONEY vibes!  PLEASE!!!!! Don’t worry I’ll check in tomorrow.

  • Braggin’

    A really cool thing about having my own blog is I can put any thing I want too on here!  And when I get new pictures I get to show them off.  So tonight?  You get pictures of my very perfect Grandbabies! How SWEET are these faces?!?!?!

  • No winner

    Yesterday, my daughter Selena and I entered the Photo Shoot-Out at the Del Mar Fair in San Diego.  Neither one of us won again this year.  But how creative would YOU be with a bag of marshmallow’s and a neon pink cup!!!There were some very creative pictures taken….. mine?  Well, not so much.  It’s funny though every year my daughter and I do the shoot out the first thing I think is “WOW these people take this ‘shoot out’ really seriously with all their fancy cameras and extra lenses”. Next thought I have is  “I want a fancier camera with lots of lenses”.We’ll try again next year.  Wait I take that back….. we’ll WIN next year!

  • Happy Birthday Dan!

    Happy Birthday DAN!! We love you…. like a SON!! You know… the lawful kind… the kind that produces GRAN…… never mind… no pressure… honest. Happy Birthday Dan!! You are the GREATEST!!!

  • Happy Saturday!!

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!!  Time for some BBQ!!  And noooo I didn’t buy enough for everyone.  BUT if you want to bring some steaks I will share my hotdogs! See ya all tomorrow!

  • Happy Dancin’….

    I am having such a great week! First Matt calls, then Sherry calls, my 3rd favorite Sailor found me on my blog and to top it off Emma called me Nonnie for the very first time today. Of course Emma said “Nonnie” after yesterday’s conversation when I asked Emma (Like I do often) “Say Nonnie” well, yesterday I got back “WHY?”  Wait what do you mean WHY?!?! You’re 2…….because I said SO!! WHY?!?! OHHHHHH She is soooo my Granddaughter! WHY!! I’ll give you why!! Now…. back to Jim (known in our house as the Cult Leader… I mean think about it… Navy recruiter..manages to lure my 2 sweet innocent daughters  away from home into…. well, a CULT!!  ’emmm…