• Braggin’

    A really cool thing about having my own blog is I can put any thing I want too on here!  And when I get new pictures I get to show them off.  So tonight?  You get pictures of my very perfect Grandbabies! How SWEET are these faces?!?!?!

  • No winner

    Yesterday, my daughter Selena and I entered the Photo Shoot-Out at the Del Mar Fair in San Diego.  Neither one of us won again this year.  But how creative would YOU be with a bag of marshmallow’s and a neon pink cup!!!There were some very creative pictures taken….. mine?  Well, not so much.  It’s funny though every year my daughter and I do the shoot out the first thing I think is “WOW these people take this ‘shoot out’ really seriously with all their fancy cameras and extra lenses”. Next thought I have is  “I want a fancier camera with lots of lenses”.We’ll try again next year.  Wait I take that back….. we’ll WIN next year!

  • Happy Birthday Dan!

    Happy Birthday DAN!! We love you…. like a SON!! You know… the lawful kind… the kind that produces GRAN…… never mind… no pressure… honest. Happy Birthday Dan!! You are the GREATEST!!!