• I got caught!

    Okay I confess! I cheated today! I played with, I held and I did pet Jack and Bosco……. my Granddogs. There was no hiding the fact that I was with another dog!! When I walked in the door this evening I was immediately accosted! I have been throughly and completely sniffed and licked. There was some low grumbling and a few barks (NOT even with our INSIDE voice!!) I have been completely chastised for my indiscretions! Gracie is a JEALOUS little bitch! (Ohhh I am funny!! I crack myself up!) AND now?!? NOW Gracie is pouting. So it’s time to go make amends! Have a great night. I’ll see you…

  • Yummmm

    Okay I have GOT to start being good again or all my hard work will be for nothing!! But OHMYGOD I can’t get enough to eat again! Then between Dr. Louie’s baby shower (yummmy food LOTS of goodies!) Gretchen’s birthday lunch (can you say ate so much I couldn’t move?!?!) I have GOT to start being good again OR …….. or well there will be a lot of grumbling, gripping, whining and yadda yadda ya……. I need to find a buddy to race in weight loss. Apparently, I need the competition! OR a really mean trainer. Or someone to follow me around and grab food out of my hand.