• Federal budget 101

    A student explains 100 Million Dollar Budget Cut Trust me, you should watch this. I ended up smarter in just a minute and thirty-eight seconds. Recently, Obama announced that, over the next 90-days, he is going to work to cut 100-Million dollars of spending out of the Federal Budget. A college student explains Obama-nomics. VERY well done! Why do I have a feeling I will find a bunch of pennies on my kitchen table in the next few days??

  • Pregnancy Selena style…….

    My oldest daughter has such a ‘unique’ outlook about pregnancy. She makes me laugh out loud all the TIME!!!  All 3 of my kids are hysterical!!!!!!  I bet ya’all wish you were me!! Here is what Selena said about the last ultra sound. 19 weeks 1 day Baby already has huge hands. He’s gonna crawl out of me like a manhole cover, I might give birth to a toddler.

  • Change good? Or bad??

    I’m thinking of changing the name of the blog to: Peanut Butter, Whine & Grandbabies!!!!!!  Has a great ring to it doesn’t it?? I mean hello… they are the cutest Grandbabies anyone has ever laid eyes ON!!  Don’t argue with me… you will not win!!  (Duh… just read past posts.. I can argue with myself and loose! You wouldn’t stand a chance!) Let’s have a little reminder shall we?? HA!!!!!!!!!!! I win!!!!

  • FreeeeeeeeeeeeeDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pretty sure the clerks at StaterBrothers grocerys think I’m casing the joint.  No shopper on the face of the earth could shop any slower!  Nope. Couldn’t unless you were shopping on your knees maybe? I had a break today, 2 hours. Alllllllllll by myself…. okay well, except the other shoppers at StaterBrothers.  2 reasons it took me so long…… first….today is the first time I’ve been out where there isn’t a phlebotomist involved.  Besides the lab at the hospital not so much fun….. nope. No matter WHAT you’ve heard! 2nd DH’s doctor said low sodium diet……… welllllllllllllllllll I had NO IDEA how hard it would be to find meals to fix that…

  • TENNIS Elbow??

    DH was in getting more blood work done. (We have our own set of mugs down at Scripts! Next week I think they deliver the matching recliners) See a wall to wall waiting room for the lab I figured DH would be a while and I had time to go to urgent care for my arm.  My elbow is killing me!  I try and lift anything and it shoots horrible sharp pains down my arm.  My fingertips are numb….and blah blah blah… Anyway, I’m there…. why not go ask WHY!?!?  and more importantly can you make the pain GO AWAY!?!?! Bottom line?  Tennis Elbow.  SAY WHAT?!?!  I can’t have TENNIS ELBOW!  I hate tennis. It is not fun. I don’t…