• Gadanke Journal Giveaway

    When our children were growing up I quickly realized that I couldn’t (and didn’t!) keep up with 3 baby books. Back in 1984 I picked up our very first “family book” just a blank journal nothing fancy paper cover, I paid maybe $2.00 just in case it didn’t ‘take’. But it did take.  And our family has dozens and dozens of ‘family books’. To this day there is a family book on my table. These are our family history. When we ate dinner I would ask what do you want to remember today? When people ask I tell them EVERYTHING thing is in these books. My very favorite example (ohhhh I’m so sorry Zachary!)…

  • Oh look OVER THERE!!!

    Today I have the attention span of a NAT!!! I started out wanted to sew something for BabyT. Felt blocks. I read somewhere that babies can see black, white and red the best.  The BabyGenius toy people have the cutest fabric blocks. I figure, I have felt I can make something cute (maybe not as cute as the ones they sell but way cheaper! They’re small and easy… I can do that. So I cut out small squares, I cut out the heart, an i and the U…. Ahhhh the i is too big the heart is too wide… maybe if I ohhhhh what’s that?? Is that a package of Twizzlers??  WOW how old are THOSE!?  I better ‘freshness test’ taste those. How…

  • I found IT!!

    Having stayed home with DH for the past few months has given me the opportunity to look around the Internet for opportunities.  I found one that is really worth looking at. Business2Blogger matches bloggers and businesses together for product reviews. How FUN is that?!?!  You try out products and voice your opinions! I hope you will go look around see if there isn’t something that matches YOU!! Not to mention right now their giving away a iPad2!  HEY!! I’m willing to give my opinion on an iPad!!