Gadanke Journal Giveaway

When our children were growing up I quickly realized that I couldn’t (and didn’t!) keep up with 3 baby books. Back in 1984 I picked up our very first “family book” just a blank journal nothing fancy paper cover, I paid maybe $2.00 just in case it didn’t ‘take’. But it did take.  And our family has dozens and dozens of ‘family books’. To this day there is a family book on my table. These are our family history. When we ate dinner I would ask what do you want to remember today? When people ask I tell them EVERYTHING thing is in these books. My very favorite example (ohhhh I’m so sorry Zachary!)
Zac said “You won’t write this one”
Mom “Zac yes, I promise! Every word”
Zac “No you won’t”
Mom “Look, I’m writing” I am writing this conversation write now….. Zac is now standing over my shoulder and watching as I am writing … Zac says I won’t write this story, but I am writing every word he says…. Okay…

AND the greatest entry of the year went as such……… “Today in math class I had to do a problem on the board in the front of the class and MOM I let out the longest loudest fart I ever did in my WHOLE LIFE!”  (Ohhhh Zachary you really thought I WOULDN’T put this in the book?!? Have we MET!??!)
Okay, that was a long lead in for a giveaway. I found for a wonderful Journal!!  The Bragging Mommy has a giveaway for a Gadanke Journal. You should go enter!

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