Oh look OVER THERE!!!

Baby blocks

Today I have the attention span of a NAT!!! I started out wanted to sew something for BabyT. Felt blocks. I read somewhere that babies can see black, white and red the best.  The BabyGenius toy people have the cutest fabric blocks. I figure, I have felt I can make something cute (maybe not as cute as the ones they sell but way cheaper! They’re small and easy… I can do that. So I cut out small squares, I cut out the heart, an i and the U…. Ahhhh the i is too big the heart is too wide… maybe if I ohhhhh what’s that??

Baby shower crafts

Is that a package of Twizzlers??  WOW how old are THOSE!?  I better ‘freshness test’ taste those. How long have they been forgotten on the desk……..???  (answer… NOT so long old that I didn’t eat them)….. hummm
Still not in the mood to sew let alone go find the pins. Oh hey! Let’s cut out a few more burp pads CUTE material huh?!?!?  Soooo soft! So adorable!

Did you read the little green one??  Eat, poop, nap and cry.  That crackin’ me up.
Baby fabric
AAAAAAND I’m STILL not sewing…
“You’ve got MAIL” Ohhh I better get that!! (Could be important!! What if Mrs Reuminni left me a million dollars in her will and the estate is just waiting for me to claim my MONEY!!!)
 I give up…………
 I think it’s time for a NAP!
Good thing BabyT isn’t due for another 2 months!!
Eventually this Gran’ma better get her stuff together or BabyT will just have a bunch of material wrapped in an empty Twizzler bag.

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