• Back to the beginning………

    Time to get back to my blog roots.  I’ve gained back 27 of the 30 pounds I lost for the Challenge now that I have no one to RACE to the thin line my motivation has been very lacking.  Who does this??!  WHO works so hard at loosing for 6 months to have it all heaped right back on over night?!??!  Yes, over night, don’t look at me like that!!  I would have seen it coming when my cute skinny clothes didn’t fit if came little by little.  I would have seen it and fixed it right away.  So over NIGHT is what happened. (NO?)  Okay, fine….. how about I have a pregnant…

  • Graspr.com

    I found the GREATEST website today!  You put in a topic you want to learn and it’s on there!  I am getting ideas together for a baby shower.  (Have I mentioned LATELY that I have another Grandbaby on the way!?? Really??  You haven’t heard?  HOW did I miss YOU!?! June.. 2011 baby.. here…. local!!)Anyway, back to this great website!  You want to learn anything from flooring to knitting. Make-up to cutting your bangs it’s here!!  I have to go now… I’m learning to make something for the Baby Shower.  It’s addicting in here!!

  • Sparta!

    LOL! I know… I am easily amused… but this cracks me up!! (Mostly cause I truly can see my son Zachary doing this video… as a matter of fact… I may need to watch this again! Zac??)