• Ice

    I’m cheating tonight…. I’m reposting from a blog called DinnersReady. But this is so dang funny I have to share!!!!! So……….. enjoy!! Today as I was cruisin’ around on the internet looking at recipes and fun things to make, I stumbled upon this ‘recipe.’ Made me laugh. You all know that I love a good recipe for the freezer but this one is just so…. so…. so wonderful. Ha ha ha! Ice 2 cups water (or more. or less.) Empty any ice cubes that are left in the trays. Take the trays over to the sink and fill them with cold water. Place the water filled ice trays back in the…

  • Happy Dad’s Day!

    Happy Fathers Day DH! Thank you for being such a great Daddy! I love you. Dan Thank YOU for baby Alice (you proved subtle hinting works!) Ray Thank YOU for Emma and Eli I’m one lucky Nonnie!

  • Thankful

    Some of the blogs that I follow have a day of the week they post what they are most thankful for. Tonight I’m joining in.  I am thankful for double pane windows.  There is a party going on in the house behind us. The spanish music is so loud that IN FRONT of our house you cannot carry on a conversation!! My son the KING of loud music says “Mom, you need to call the police” you know it’s INSANELY loud!! (I’m sure when Zac said this the look on my face was a Kodak moment!! Why he doesn’t see the irony of this is beyond me.) Lee aross the street says his windows are rattling.…