• Introducing…………

    Miss Alice Avery Price!! Arrived this morning 6/1/2011 at 10:30 this morning. 21 inches long. 6pounds 9 ounces.  10 little toes 10 little fingers and so so so so is so beautiful!!! Mom, Dad and Alice are doing great! Look at how pretty she is!!! And a whole 18 days EARLY to boot!! Fast forward to 2024, Alice is a few weeks shy of 13!! HOW is that possible??

  • SodaCanGirl Thank YOU!!!

    Loookieee what I won!!!  First I need to say THANK YOU Soda Can Girl! This is the cutest bracelet! I also won the matching earrings.  This set is very lightweight. It’s such a pretty color and catches the light when the reverse side of the disks flips up.  This set is so CUTE!! I love the sound of a charm bracelet and this one makes the sweetest noise. I can’t wait to go somewhere and show this off! Thank you!!

  • Two thumbs UP!

    DH took me to see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Strange Tides.  GREAT movie!!  But then, I’m a Johnny Depp fan and a mega Capin’ Jack fan.  LOVE this series!!  I looked up some trivia facts to share about the movie. (Aren’t I just THE best?!?!) Before I tell you about about the trivia I have to remind you, don’t leave the theater when the credit’s start to roll.  As with all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies there is a clip at the very end of all the credits.  But if you’re a Pirate fan you knew that. Johnny Capin’ Jack has a Mickey Mouse charm in his hair.…