• Draw-Write-Now Give Away!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so excited about this giveaway!!!  This past Thursday I shared my review of Draw-Right-NowI am still amazed at how easy these books are to use!!  Emma drew a tractor!!!  EMMA IS THREE!!!  I know I keep saying that……. but she is THREE and drew a tractor!!!  So if Emma and NaNa can draw so can you! This would be perfect set of books for any family!!  This would be AWESOME for home schoolers too. The awesome people over at Barker Creek Publishing are giving one extremely lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower their own set of “Draw-Write-Now” Good LUCK!!  Open to the US only. a Rafflecopter giveaway

  • Photography Workshop Review Part 5

    This week I learned about Light Metering and Flash also the Review Chapter from EasyPhotoClass.Light Metering.  WOW did I ever need this chapter and once again I found a button on my camera that I didn’t know what it was for. Do you have this button?  Do you know what it’s for??  Light Metering opens up a whole new way to shoot photos for me!!  No more photo’s that are too dark or all washed out. I’ve also learned the importance of a gray card!!  It’s next on the list of ‘must haves’ for my camera!!  I can’t believe the difference a gray card can make!!  Now you can get an…