• Udi’s Gluten Free Tortillas

    Gluten Free lovers rejoice!! Now you can get Udi’s Gluten Free Tortillas!  We love Udi Gluten Free products, so when we were offered a chance to review their tortillas we jumped. The Tortilla’s aren’t soft and pliable as other tortilla’s. BUT, we heated them up in the microwave and they instantly became soft and easy to fold. The taste is slightly sweet.  We made the most delicious chicken burritos. YUM!! I just made the best quesadillas!  Brushed the tortillas with olive oil, stuffed it with cheese, onions and avocado and browned both sides. Topped with salsa. Crunchy! Hot and so delicious!!!! Doesn’t that look deeeeeeeeelicous?!?! Not only are the Tortilla’s Gluten…

  • Breast Cancer Facts

    How are you with Breast Cancer Facts?  As it turns out I’m NOT very good with breast cancer facts! Did you know that breast cancer is second only to lung cancer??  I had no idea! Did you know that if detected early with stage 0 you have a 100% survival rate with treatment?  Stage II a 98% survival rate with treatment. The survival rates are the lowest for the 1V (level 4) patients. It’s so very IMPORTANT to do a monthly self exam!! EVERY MONTH!!!  See your doctor once a year!! Get your mammogram as ordered by your doctor!! I found some of the myths and facts really interesting:*Cancer of the…

  • Girls CAN DO it!!!

    I absolutely love THIS video!! This young lady at age 12 started building her dream car from SCRATCH!!!!!!!!!!!  Now at 14 years old and a true inspiration!! This video brings back such great memories of DH and our oldest Selena rebuilding her Suzuki’s transmission. They were a greasy mess from head to toe!! They did such an amazing job! Selena beamed with pride. It is so important to teach girls they can DO anything they want to!! I believe that we should teach our children equally!! Girls AND boys should know how to change a tire, check their oil, cook, laundry and clean. Of course, I also wish I would…