• Why Switching to E-Cigarettes is in Your Best Interest

    When it comes to traditional cigarettes, there are obviously a lot of drawbacks to them. First, they make your clothes and hair smell like smoke, all of the time. There is also the issue of your home stinking like smoke as well. It can be hard to have guests over when your home smell like stale cigarettes, not to mention the yellowing of your walls and ceiling from all of that smoke. Regular cigarettes can be pretty expensive, too! If you smoke about a pack a day, you’re spending way over $2,000 a year on cigarettes alone. Now what if there was a better way? Would you do it? Electronic…

  • ImaginativeU Ready-to-Use Activity Kits For Kids Age 4-10 #Review

    I am so disappointed that this business no longer exists. It makes me so sad. This was such a fun kit. However, Etsy to the rescue. There are plenty to choose from. I went a little overboard with pictures again, but Alice and I had so much fun with our ImaginativeU Ready To Use Activity Kit!! Watching 3-year-old Alice during the week includes a lot of play time, crafts and of course I have to throw in some learning time too. I absolutely LOVE to watch Alice’s face light up when I tell her it’s craft time!! It’s a huge bonus when I combine learning time with craft time! Usually,…