• The Impact of Recycling!

    Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is the accumulation of everyday office, household and retail trash. While these small items may seem insignificant, they add up considerably. Approximately 27.4 percent of landfill consists of paper and paperboard, while 14.5 percent is food waste. Surprisingly, yard trimming and plastics constitute 13.5 percent and 12.7 percent, respectively. Metals, rubber, leather and textiles add another 8.9 and 8.7 percent, and wood and glass make up 6.3 and 4.6 percent. When you figure that Americans generate 251 million tons of waste annually nationwide, each person contributes significantly to the amount of MSW. In fact, one person generates 4.38 pounds of waste per day. The average household…

  • Shutterfly Saves The Day

    Shutterfly Saves The Day!!

    One of the worst things happened to me about a month ago; my external hard drive died…. as in years worth of photographs GONE in a split second!! It makes me sick to my stomach!! From picture of MY kids to my Grandkids. GONE!! Just sitting here writing about it makes my stomach churn again!! Pictures I’ve taken of Alice since since she was born GONE!! 3 years worth of Yosemite photographs gone! I have to admit I was never more glad that I have been taking the time to store my digital photos on a third-party site, such as Shutterfly.  If it weren’t for Shutterfly all of my pictures…

  • Kick Mat & Backseat Organizer Review

    Why do kids have to press and kick the seats ahead of them in the car?? Why? More importantly why are their little feet always so dirty!?!? Seriously?!? I walk where they do, I do the same things they do! Why does dirt stick to them so much easier and faster?! This gets especially apparent and obvious when I have adults in the backseat of my car; they truly must think the Grandkids live in mud!! But, wait till you guys see these Kick Mat’s!! The back of my seats are fully protected!! The Kick Mat covers the entire seat on my Honda CRV so no more muddy dirty footprints.…