• Solar Phone Charger

    Solar Phone Charger Review

    Our Yosemite camping trip is just a short 4 weeks away! Y’all know I have a hard time, a VERY hard time giving up my electronics for the whole week. But, since there isn’t anywhere to plug-in and recharge everything I end out going cold turkey after a couple of days. HA! This year no cold turkey! I’ll be able to read my book and check my email everyday!! SWEET!! Check out the Solar Phone Charger Blue-Best Outdoor Accessory for Charging Batteries without a Battery! from Platinum Products! This Solar Phone Charger works with MOST cellphones but not all. It does work with my daughters iPhone. It works with my…

  • Fort Lauderdale Drug Rehab For Women

    If you are a woman who is suffering from an addiction to drugs, whether illegal street drugs or prescription medication, you deserve to know that there is always expert help available for you to turn to. You should know that, no matter how long or how badly you have been addicted to drugs, that you can turn your life around and reclaim your health, happiness, and independence. But you should also know that the longer you wait, the harder it will be to get completely well. No Matter What Your Addiction May Be, You Can Get Help No matter what particular substance you may be addicted to, whether meth or…

  • Exuviance Triple Microdermabrasion Face Polish

    Exuviance Triple Microdermabrasion Face Polish Review

    I am officially obsessed with this new product from NeoStrata, you know the folks that brought us the original Glycolic Acid peel!! Check out there newest AMAZING product!! Exuviance Triple Microdermabrasion! If you want your face to feel like silk this is the product for you. I can’t stop touching my face!!! The blend of chemical and enzymatic enzymatic rejuvenators work together for not only instant, but dramatic results!! Exuviance is made with professional grade crystals, the kind that dermatologists use. Add papaya enzymes, 10% glycolic acid and you end out with a product that gives your skin a beautiful GLOW!! Not only does this exfoliate, but it stimulates cell…