November 2021 $50 YOUR WAY #Giveaway!!
Here we are yet again with another $50 Giveaway. Another month down. Do you remember being 15 or 16 and thinking that time would just drag by? I thought I would never get to 21. Now, I swear even the clock goes faster!
We are almost at 2022!! WHAT!??!!?
So, my monthly ‘catch up’ chat doesn’t have much in the way of news. I’m hoping now that it’s almost Christmas time my funky mood will go away. I plan to decorate for Christmas starting today. Why? Because I can!! 2nd I don’t have much in the way of Thanksgiving décor. AND because since we are so remote, I don’t get a lot of company. IE no one ever comes over…… so HA! I’m going to enjoy my Christmas season for an extended period of time. Biggest reason? It will drive my kids INSANE!! (Which I live for!)
I’m still so lucky that Alice wants to video call me almost daily. It’s the best part of my day. This month she found filters! Check these terrifying pictures! How would you like to answer a video call and see this?!?!? Little Turkey got me more than once!! So of COURSE I am going to share!!! Misery does love company!
Now for the REAL reason you are here!!
Giveaway Time!!
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you every day. As always, I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This month’s giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) $50 American $$.
This is a Giveaway that is hosted by me and only me.
So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated!! Seriously, HOW subtle is that?!
GOOD LUCK little Peanuts!!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Kate Sarsfield
All this was only a couple of weeks ago! How is that even possible?
My day didn’t go so well. I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed!
Shelly Peterson
I spent the day with my daughter and baby grandson. Then went to a family dinner.
Stacey A Smith
been having heart burn for weeks not but get to try a new pill tomorrow ! hope it works.
Its been a very rough day at work; and heard the passing of an old friend.. Not a good day
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Got the amazing heated jacket I won. Now to have cooler weather to use it. Above average temps for the next 10 days.
Molli Taylor
i am not getting as much done today as i would like but i am trying to be gentle with myself!
wen budro
I would say that my day could have been worse but it could have been better. My apartment building’s maintenance has been doing super noisy yard work today. It’s been like fingernails on a chalk board. Thanks for letting me vent. LOL
Gina Ferrell
My day is going great and loving the Fall weather here today.
My day is going pretty good today getting a lot done around the house that I have been putting off. I am slowly getting into the holiday mood.
Kim Avery
My day was pretty good. Still sore from yesterday’s snow shoveling but was able to get a few errands done .
Kate Sarsfield
It’s official! I am now an adult. Today I visited our solicitor and made my will. That’s it, that’s all the news there is!
My day is going fine so far. It is 27 degrees now. We will be having seafood for lunch today.
Shelly Peterson
I had dialysis today and came home to nap.
l p
was trying to do some work from home but the Internet was sooooo sloooooow. forgot it was Cyber Monday. thanks
Tamra Phelps
I decided to try going through boxes full of books in my closet. I still need to rearrange what my nephews put on the shelves and sort and lace the ones in boxes…I couldn’t reach the top of the heavy stack in the closet…but I figured if I could just tip it, it would fall to the wall of the closet and then I could reach the top…assuming it didn’t fall sideways and land on me?? Any way, it worked. But after some consideration, my brother might be right when he hints I can be a little reckless when I decide to get something done RIGHT NOW!! I did find a few more of my cookbooks, and my Terry Pratchett books. And a few books that were not packed very well and got warped, which hurts my soul!!! LOL.
My day was great for a MOnday – a decent day at work!
Sarah L
Went to the pool to swim alone. Had to get back into the warm water after missing last Thursday. We’re having a heat wave: 72 degrees. Normal high is 42.
This day is going sooooo slowly. Hopefully I’ll be feeling a little more energetic soon.
My day is going pretty good just taking it easy today as I did too much yard work yesterday and I am really feeling it today my muscles are super sore.
It’s a good day so far. Lots of sunshine, light clouds – time to get the garden ready for bed.
Kate Sarsfield
What a start to the week: My sister rang v. late last night – her front door wouldn’t open. She rang Michael, her landlord, who lives next door & he managed to fix it but it wouldn’t lock. Anyway, I was to take the niece into town to get the bus at 6.30 this morning so sis would be there for the repairman but my car’s battery died. Put it on charge & then was on hold for an hour trying to cancel a Dr.’s appt. What else? Oh, yes, the buyers have paid their deposit & contracts are being drawn up and the cat brought home HALF a crow. That’s it, I’m going back to bed 😉
Tamra Phelps
Holy moly…that’s definitely a day that makes you wish you had just stayed in bed, lol.
My day is going fine so far. It is a little warmer now – 37 degrees. We are doing some shopping today.
I think these glasses are pretty with their blue and green swirls: Set of 6 Hand Made Blown Glass Mexican Highball Glasses, “Elegant Energy”.
Michele Soyer
Well it is back to work Monday….where do I begin.. sanitizing the aviary first then wash some windows and start changing the linens in the rooms for the holiday… put on the music!
Shelly Peterson
I had all my grandkids over for the day. We made a big pot of soup.
My day went very well. Got to have my 4-year old grandson stay over night, and while it is exhausting, it’s loads of fun.
It’s a beautiful day here. Went out for a walk and ran into some good friends. Thank you.
Sarah L
Had a lovely time at the Nutcracker Ballet with my friend from Sage Singers. The weather was great too.
My day is going pretty good it has been one fast weekend. I did a ton of yard work today and I think I over did it raking the leaves because I can already feel it in my back.
l p
the day is going well despite it being rather dull outside. thanks
My day is going fine so far. It is a little above freezing. I think we are having shrimp for lunch today.
Im feeling overwhelmed this week with work.. Very rough one
I like these pretty glasses: Hand Blown Glass Colorful Juice Glasses (Set of 6), “Confetti Festival”.
Kate Sarsfield
Brrr! Minus numbers the last couple of days and I’ve got a quarter tank of oil left. Don’t want to order more and have to leave it behind so wearing lots of layers, hat, scarf & gloves instead. Just the thought of going for a shower makes me shiver!
Michele Soyer
Today is my daughters birthday and I remember it well those many years ago – waited 9 years after the birth of my son for another child and here she came! she is truly the light of my life….Champagne Cranberry Mimosas with breakfast!
Kate Sarsfield
Much love & happy returns of the day to you, CJ. Don’t let your mother climb any trees or ladders after a bubbly breakfast!
Shelly Peterson
I slept in today and then went to dinner with family at Cracker Barrel.
Tamra Phelps
Argh…I really am not a fan of the cold. And I loved Winter when I was younger. I liked the fact that it didn’t get daylight so early. I liked snow. Now, I just hate having to go out in bad weather or having to turn heat on, which seems to aggravate my allergies. Grown-ups really are a grouchy bunch, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Remember playing outside with bare legs? They’d be pink with the cold but we didn’t feel a thing!
Jaclyn Mercer
I am having a great day. We are officially ready for Christmas, shopping done and ready to enjoy the month of December!
Molli Taylor
i have so much to do today but i am ready to get it done!
Karen R
My day is going well so far. I’ve got to stop staying in bed so long in the morning. Had pumpkin pie for breakfast. Never get tired of that.
They have so many unique items! I like this pitcher: Hand Blown Glass Pitcher 71 Oz Multicolor Mexican Art, “Confetti”.
May day is going fine so far. It is getting to be light outside. I will be working on chores today!
A nice dinner date with my boyfriend last night made me happy
Michele Soyer
Tree is up and I must say it does look gorgeous. Today putting the creche in place ( the one I have is 70 years old it was my mum’s before me) the Christmas Village and if I have time a smaller tree in the gallery…But before all that I have to bake my daughter’s birthday cake for tomorrow – an elegant classic Chantilly with roses….
Kate Sarsfield
I now have provisional booking for storage of furniture, removal of everything to the storage, the cat & outside pots. Now just waiting for a confirmation date from the legal crew. My sleep is all over the place and it’s gone really cold: close to zero for most of the week & we’re due a sprinkle of snow tomorrow! Looking forward to having a really garlicky pizza later now there’s no more viewings!
Michele Soyer
A good deal to sort out.. try and rest though…you will get it all done…
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis. I am ready for the weekend
Sarah L
A lovely day. First went to Sherrie’s house where I made deviled eggs and helped her make the gravy. Then we took the turkey, gravy and deviled eggs to her son’s house. I haven’t seen them for almost 2 years. Their son used to be little but now he’s 6 feet tall.
l p
it’s a great day with many good memories. thanks
Tamra Phelps
I’ve gotten to a point where I don’t like holiday weekends. They seem so long. Lol, I’m sure people who are off work do enjoy them, though.
Kim Avery
Feeling the after effects of overdoing it yesterday but was able to go do some banking for my mother in law.
Shelly Peterson
We had an amazing day with family. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Molli Taylor
im doing good! i get to see my adult daughter today!
Kate Sarsfield
Time to take a breath! It’s all systems go (fingers crossed). If all goes to plan I’ll be out of here before Christmas EEK! Spent the morning making provisional bookings of storage facilities, removals etc. and trying to find somewhere to live … breathe, Kate, breathe … oh, and the cat and the plants …
Tamra Phelps
Are you a list person? Lol, I’d be making lists like crazy. Mostly because I can’t remember squat these days.
Kate Sarsfield
Lists? I live by lists!
My day is going fine so far. It is starting to get light outside. Now to think of creative ways to serve leftovers!
Michele Soyer
Well yesterday we had no current – yes Thanksgiving but we did well – we still had music and great food and played cards instead of watching the US parades… one must move with the energy you get..
Sarah L
Happy Thanksgiving! Busy day getting ready for a big dinner on Friday. Then my friend fed me salmon and asparagus and sweet potatoes.
Tamra Phelps
We;;, today was not too bad as far as ankle pain, so I’ll count it as a good day, lol. It’s been a quiet day, really.
l p
an exciting day in that friends got great news re their health. thanks
Kim Avery
Happy Thanksgiving! Spent a somewhat relaxing day with my husband. Watched the parade & he’s been watching football.
My day is going pretty good I am taking a little break right now from cooking and baking. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving God Bless.
My day is going so far. I am working on Thanksgiving food items. Hope everyone likes it!
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Thanksgiving to you lot! Have a wonderful day! I don’t want to tempt fate but last night we got an offer of €320,000. They’re due to pay the deposit today so we’ll wait and see (not good at that at all!).
Michele Soyer
To all here, wherever you live, I wish a very Happy Thanksgiving .. a day that goes beyond where you live t goes to your heart and the grateful feeling you have for the abundance of your life.. family, friends and the roof over your head and the food you eat – so many have so little….
Shelly Peterson
I went to lunch with family and baked some pumpkin bread
What a great day. Everyone arrived on time with their assignments completed so we could all go home early. Thank you.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home before the busy next 4 days. It’s snowing! Just a little but sticking on the grass. It was 71 degrees yesterday… ha!
Kim Avery
My day went pretty good. Picked up pre made dinners for tomorrow. Its just easier for the two of us. I’ll jazz them up & make some deviled eggs. My cousin made us a pumpkin roll & we are trying to not slice into it tonight!
My day is going pretty good just doing stuff around the house. I am going to head to the kitchen in a few minutes to start cooking some dishes for the holiday.
Michele Soyer
Just got done in the kitchen.. made all the pies ( to share with my neighbours) pavlova and trifle and prep for tomorrow.. you would think I was having a big get together.. LOL. anyway I love doing it and brings me fond fond memories of Thanksgivings of previous years….
Kate Sarsfield
Enjoy your day, Michele & CJ! We always had trifle at Christmas (sister hates pud). We made it in the glass door of a front loading washing machine! Dad never threw anything away!
Michael Coovert
Today is going well. So ready for Thanksgiving.
Kate Sarsfield
Had another viewing this morning. Offers stand at €315k and they’re cash buyers so there won’t be any hanging around. I’ve made an appointment with our solicitor to make my will, organised a local charity to collect unwanted furniture and got in touch with a local storage depot. Now I’ve changed into my jim jams and am going to curl up with Idris.
Michele Soyer
I am very happy for you.. now on to the next chapter of your life!!
Kate Sarsfield
My day has started out fine. It is still very dark here. I will get getting things ready for the Thanksgiving meal today.
Novica has cute items! I like this set: Hand Blown Glass Colorful Juice Glasses (Set of 6), “Confetti Festival”.
l p
a roller coaster day that ended on the up so I’ll take it. thanks
Tamra Phelps
Well, getting really ill last night after dinner due to what seems to have been an issue with a pre-packaged bagged salad from the grocery, I decided to chuck the other bag, too. Lol. No thank you! No 2nd bout with that. Oh, well. I hate not being able to go into the grocery and pick out my own stuff. For the most part, groceries are doing pretty good with the pick-up orders, but sometimes I wish I could just tell them ‘if you wouldn’t put it in your cart, don’t put it in mine!’
Kate Sarsfield
Oh yuck! I never buy the stuff – who knows where it’s been? Buying salad/fresh fruit/veg is hard when you’re free and single!
Michele Soyer
Hope you feel better today!
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis and came home and took a nap!
tammy ta
My day went by way too fast as it always does.
Kim Avery
My day is finally winding down. I’ve been up since 5 a.m because I had to take my mom to a special joint replacement class early. I put off taking a nap in hopes I’ll sleep all night but I’m sure it will backfire on me.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friends. Did it today since the pool is closed for Thanksgiving. Then to the eye doctor to get my vision field tested. And then treated myself to Smashburger.
My day is going pretty good just got in the door and am now taking a little break. This week is speeding by so fast I can’t believe it is already Tuesday and Thanksgiving is the day after tomorrow I’m not ready yet.
Karen R
I am just trying to stay warm. I’m wearing fleece or flannel the rest of the year and it isn’t even winter.
The day is going well. It’s busy preparing for a few socially distanced friends to visit.
Cindy Merrill
We just welcomed Sophie, our new feline overlord, into our household, I don’t think she’s two years old yet- and the poor dear is always hungry.
Kate Sarsfield
Went out for a drive when the viewings were going on this morning. The agent rang saying that Idris, the Wonder Cat, was crying his head off. Told her where to find the cat food = One happy cat!
I don’t drink highballs but I like these glasses : Multicolor Hand Blown Glass Highball Glasses (Set of 6), “Confetti Festival”.
My day is going fine so far. It is warmer today. We are getting things ready for Thanksgiving.
Michele Soyer
Well this begins my holiday prep and routine…The turkey goes into the fridge to start to thaw for Thursday and the sausage for the stuffing…Making the pie crusts to chill to bake tomorrow…then outside to do some transplanting…music is playing outside due to my wonderful daughter installing outsdie speakers in the garage/patio area.. am I blessed yes I am!
Shelly Peterson
I bought my holiday groceries today and went to lunch with my daughter
There’s so much to do and so little time to do it it. But, I’m making progress each day.
Today started in the dark and is ending in the dark. Somehow the sun never came out from behind those ominous clouds. Stayed close to home.
Tamra Phelps
Had a bagged salad for dinner. Think it might have been in need of a recall…yeah, that’s how I spent the last hour. Not good!
tammy ta
My day weny by so insanely fast. My back and shoulders hurt.
Kim Avery
I had a much better day than the past few days. My migraine finally eased up. I was tired from all the meds I was taking to relieve it. Took a good nap and was able to enjoy relaxing & reading.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Hit 70 degrees today with sunshine.
My day is flying by so fast. I am getting a bunch of business done that I have been putting off and decided that today was the day I needed to get stuff done on the phone etc.
Michele Soyer
Spent 1 hour in line to get into the bank. Spent 45 minutes in line in the bank. Spent 1 hour with the teller for 3 transactions that cannot be done online. From there went on to 5 shoppes and got back home by 2pm..I am pooped.. sitting here doing emails and having a glass of wine I deserve it!
Connie: The Head Peanut
HOLY MOLY! I would have been so frustrated with the bank after all that time! Dang. I may have a glass a wine too, in solidarity!
Michele Soyer
Connie they ask people to please do business online then why don’t they allow all transactions online? My rant continues I believe they have no feelings for the older people who have to go into the bak.. you observe them barely able to stand – on walkers – some as old as 85! For the love of God… I just wish someone would ask me ” How are we serving you”…..
l p
it’s going to be a slow day – a great day to read a book while sipping on a cup of tea. thanks
This is a good day – up early and right into work. Thank you.
Their glassware is so pretty! I like this set: 2 Artisan Crafted Colorful Mexican Hand Blown Bowls Set, “Confetti Festival”.
My day. is going fine so far. Alexa says it is 49 degrees. I have some chores to do today.
Kate Sarsfield
I woke up really early again. It’s 9am & the housework is done, breakfast eaten and I think I’ll go back to bed for a bit. Two viewings tomorrow morning.
Shelly Peterson
I had to go to dialysis today for the holiday schedule
Tamra Phelps
It’s gonna be a long Winter, y’all. That’s all. Just that it’s going to be a long Winter. And it hasn’t even really started. Heavy sigh…
l p
today is going well. it’s a soft, gentle day out there with hardly any wind. thanks
Sarah L
Lazy day at home. No plans. Sun is shining and it’s 54 degrees.
Kim Avery
I’m on day two or maybe three of a ridiculous headache! Its not quite a migraine but enough to make me miserable! My mother in law surprised us today by ordering pizza for us so I could relax.
My day is going pretty good. I am just enjoying a nice quiet Sunday hope you are having a great weekend.
I like this item: Hand Blown Colorful 8 oz Wine Glasses (Set of 6), “Confetti Festival”. The glasses are so pretty. They are made by by Javier and Efren in Mexico.
My day has just started. It is going fine so far. It is still dark and the temperature is 29 degrees .
Michele Soyer
I know it is early morning but the roast chicken is in the oven and the house smells so good… now for another coffee and a day of relaxation!
Kate Sarsfield
I’m never going into town on a Saturday again. Absolutely jam packed – no wonder numbers are on the up again. After all that cleaning the bloody viewers didn’t show up and I dropped my glasses & broke them.
Anyway, on the way back through the village I was flagged down: Henry, the pub owner’s pot-bellied pig, was on the loose! Now picture 6 of us trying to persuade a huge, old & very grumpy, pig back into his field. I got some muesli out of the shopping & he followed the trail! So funny, real laugh-out-loud funny!
Michele Soyer
Kate you gave me my first laugh of the day! chasing a pig love it.. sorry about your specs though….
Shelly Peterson
Today I took all my grandkids to Chuck E Cheese
Kim Avery
Its been a terrible day. I’ve been super tired. Woke up & spent most of the day with a migraine. Cashed in all my Amazon savings to order a door dash card to get something to eat.
le. p
It’s a great day here – the sun is finally coming out and the family is here for a visit. We’ve got a lot to do in a short period of time but it’s wonderful that they’re here.
My day is going pretty good just got in the door from doing some grocery shopping and it was crazy out there today. I usually try to get my shopping done before the weekend to avoid the crowds.
Tamra Phelps
Ever have those days when you feel like ‘why does this crap always happen to me????’ Lol, really, I think this kind of nonsense only happens to me on a freakin’ regular basis. I ordered a big canvas print done in pop art style of one of my niece’s NYC vacation photos, as a gift for her 18th birthday. Of course, when it arrived Friday it was completely wrong. They didn’t bother to do the pop art on it– they admitted they screwed up and say they’ll do it again, correctly, but I swear this stuff doesn’t happen to other people with the kind of regularity that it happens to me!!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh yes it does!!!
Michele Soyer
Tamra sorry!
l p
a big change from yesterday weather-wise so it’s back to indoor projects. thanks
Jodi Hunter
My day is going well, busy but really great, at home with my family.
My day is going fine so far. It is 30 degrees now. I have some grocery shopping to do.
Michele Soyer
I planned on bathing the pooch today but it appears that the day will be dark, cool and rainy so that will have to wait..I will play with her today instead….
Kate Sarsfield
UGH! Couldn’t stay awake last night so went to bed at 10pm. It’s now 7 in the morning & I’ve already been up an hour. It’s pitch black outside and cold as well. There’s only so much vacuuming I can do so I’ll clean windows & dust (again) then breakfast. Viewing at 2pm, click & collect groceries in town then the evening is my own.
Wendy D Hanner
To be honest this has been the longest one of my worst days in my entire life. My child had to get sent to inpatient mental health and of course as a mom I always blame myself
My day went well. Spent time tending to my indoor plants. They need tlc, too.
Shelly Peterson
Went to dialysis and came home to relax.
My day has gone fine so far. It has been a busy day. It is getting cooler tonight.
My day is wonderful! Spending tonight with the one I love
Sarah L
I saw the eclipse for a little while last night. Then the clouds came back. It was very pretty.
l p
the day is going well – lots done and lots yet to do. thanks
Karen R
The day is going well. Hubby remembered our anniversary. He had a signed card for me on my laptop. I’d appreciate dinner out but pizza is fine.
THe weather is not as windy and the sun is out today. YEAH. makes for a good walk day.
My day is going pretty good just staying close to home today. My new kitten is a handful he just destroyed my lampshade I am not a happy mama right now but I still love him.
Kate Sarsfield
Viewings tomorrow Sat. & another on Tuesday. Then it’s decision time. All viewers are aware of the current bid and are still interested. It’s a balancing act as if we get offered over 320K the taxman will hit us really hard but then again, we need to get as much as possible. My brain is tired!
Michele Soyer
The lunar eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis happened this morning here around 3-5am…I did not get up to see it! Lazy me…It is pouring rain so I plan on baking today…
Kate Sarsfield
Got up at 5am to go to the loo – the moon was magnificent!
Shelly Peterson
I didn’t do much today. We did get some snow.
susan atkins
Hi ! My day could have been better- I had to have an absessed tooth removed ! I know- thar sucks and hurts !
I have the day off tomorrow, and I am going to do some Christmas shopping.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then a trip INTO the grocery store. Still pretty scary for me but didn’t need enough to make the pickup cost.
Tamra Phelps
I still can’t get used to how early it gets dark, lol. I find myself looking outside, thinking ‘wow, it’s getting late.’ And I look at the clock and it’s just 4:30…
My day is going pretty good just doing some yard work and getting stuff done before the rain hits. I am looking forward to more rain we so need it in our area.
I’m trying to stay warm. It’s gotten cold, and I can’t seem to get rid of the “chill to the bone” feeling. Time for some hot chocolate and cozy time on the couch, with a book.
IT is a pretty good day.
Kim Avery
It has been a chilly and rainy day today. I am curled up under my favorite blanket enjoying a nice cup of hot cocoa!
Dana Rodriguez
Not a bad day so far. But it is early so that could change 😉
Stay strong and find some good in all the madness.
Kate Sarsfield
When this chapter of my life is over, the house sold, the move to fresh fields made, I may never do housework again!
Paula Stafford
I woke up to my furbabies. I’m very thankful
Michele Soyer
Trying to make a list for next weeks shopping and my taste and lists are champagne and right now the pocket is cheap beer! LOL
Shelly Peterson
Went to dialysis and came to rest. My daughter came by and brought me dinner.
Tamra Phelps
It actually warmed up today…got up into the 60’s. Weird. Fall in Kentucky. Oh, well, I’ll take any warm up. I’ve been trying to come up with ideas for Christmas gifts, lol. My family has some of the most impossible people to buy for. Honestly, why can’t these people get some hobbies or obsessions???
Michele Soyer
Gift cars? I know they are not creative but …….
Michele Soyer
Gift cards? I know they are not creative but …….
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. 30 degrees colder than yesterday but we didn’t get any moisture.
My day is going pretty good still trying to warm up it got so cold here over night. Now just doing stuff around the house and getting ready for the holidays.
Kim Avery
I spent most of the day putting together a cookie list and all the ingredients I need to buy. This year I’m making at least 3 different ones plus fudge & that will be everyone’s gift.
My day is wonderful so far – Im someone very special today
Cindy Merrill
Yesterday I rescued a stray cat, and introductions to my 14 year old cat went better than I expected, Fred seems to like his new sister Sophie.
Kate Sarsfield
Well done, Fred!
Kate Sarsfield
Another viewing this evening. I did think it was a daft time as it’ll be starting to get dark but then thought ‘Wait! That means the dust won’t show!’ Happy with that! One tomorrow morning and then another on Saturday.
Michele Soyer
Have to hustle this morning – current going for maintenance of the lines – wait didn’t they do that Monday? I am confused .. LOL
Shelly Peterson
I woke up early for a phone appointment. I watched my baby grandson for a little bit and Then ran to Costco.
Tamra Phelps
Why do we even have Winter???? Why??? Ugh, I am not a fan, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Even Mother Nature needs time to rest! Besides, the extra layers of clothes hide a multitude of sins!
Tamra Phelps
That is literally the only good thing about Winter! Wait…also, I don’t have to shave my legs, lol. Not that I do that too often anyway…
Sarah L
Your site keeps going down and up and down. Bummer.
Had a lovely time doing outreach for the Horticulture group of the Gardens. We had 15 people at the Memory Cafe at the library for looking, touching different succulents and then they planted their own to take home.
I need to get some sleep.
Today is going pretty good got to gab with some old friends earlier and that was nice. Now just doing stuff online and thinking about what to make for dinner tonight.
Today has been good so far – just housework!
Kim Avery
My day is going great! Having a super relaxing day not caring if dishes are done or floors swept! I need this day off!
Karen R
The sun is shining. That’s always good. I plan to shop for Christmas cards, today. Had cauliflower crust pizza for dinner yesterday. I think today I will spoil myself a little.
Kate Sarsfield
Got a phone call early this morning: The first set of viewers have upped their bid by €20,000 to our asking price. Three more viewings this week so we’ll wait and see. As for today, I’m sick of housework so none of that happening!
Tamra Phelps
That’s great! I hope you get competing bidders, lol. (I have never sold a house in my life, but I watch all the TV shows– competing bidders are the thing to have!!)
Michele Soyer
That is great Kate – I will keep you in my thoughts!
Michele Soyer
I decided to clean the office yesterday – took all the furniture out, dissembled the computer etc.. then the current went! So had to relax until it came back and wound up working late in there – not a happy camper but glad the current came back in 4 hours!
Shelly Peterson
Today I went to dialysis and I’m super tired..
Sarah L
Went swimming today and the water was warm and there were only 4 other people in the pool, no kids. Stopped at Arby’s for their Bronco special since the Broncos scored a touchdown (but not much else)
My day is going pretty good I got a ton done so far today. Just got home from running errands and grocery shopping trying to get home before the rain hits here.
Kim Avery
Its been a cold and yucky day. It doesn’t know if it wants to rain or snow. We’ve had it all so far today. They say maybe an inch of snow overnight.
Its my day off work today – glorious!
Michele Soyer
How could it possibly be Monday already! I am just settling in to my Sunday…oh well here goes the day…
Kate Sarsfield
We’ve had an offer on the house from the first viewers. Lower than asking price but they’re still interested. Meanwhile, 3 more viewings so far booked for this week.
Michele Soyer
I wish you all the best Kate to get your price….
Shelly Peterson
Today I went to the movies and to dinner.
Tamra Phelps
I spent today cleaning the place top to bottom. (Tomorrow is the day the apartment managers ‘inspect’ lol.) Anyway, now my back hurts like crazy… Oh, well, place is clean.
Today is going very well now the creaky joints have become less creaky.
Sarah L
Thought about going swimming. That’s all that I did, think about it.
Whoa! It just started to snow – too soon, too soon. I’m not ready yet.
My day is going pretty well so far. I am having a nice quiet Sunday just watching The Crown and doing some stuff online hope you have a great day.
Kim Avery
Its a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon. Hubby is all excited because Buffalo Bills are winning.
Michele Soyer
What could be better than this on my Sunday morning – breakfast dishes done, pork roast in the oven with veggies, music on the stereo…a day filled with great music and good food and it is Sunday a nice single malt!!
Kate Sarsfield
The list is closing in and there’s not a puff of wind out there. Better get the bins out while I can see what I’m doing! I’ve made a veggie mac & cheese for later – pure unadulterated comfort food 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
MIST, not list!!!
Shelly Peterson
I had 3 of my grandkids over all day and for the night. So I have Been busy today.
l p
it went well – a busy day but a good day. thanks
Tamra Phelps
What a cold, doomy lookin g day, lol. It snowed all around us today but not here yet! Yikes!
tammy ta
My day was good. Time for bed now.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home listening to the wind blow. 62 degrees so somewhat warm.
The day is going well despite the blustery winds out there.
It has been a super busy day for me today been doing a lot of cleaning and also trying to fix a DVD player think I finally got it working again.
Kim Avery
Its a cold & rainy day today. Think we might get snow later. I’m not ready but at least I got the windows sealed and winterized. I have the shovel & rock salt ready and snow brush in the car. Still need to get out my winter coats plus gloves, mittens & hats.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I am so surprised that we haven’t had any snow yet. In IDAHO!? Really?? I am sorta ready. Still need new boots my UGGS finally gave out after 30 years. LOL!
Kate Sarsfield
Slept another 10 hours plus a nap yesterday! Just watched The Lord Mayor’s Show from London. It’s been an (almost) annual event since 1215 – can you imagine? Now laundry and housework 🙁
Connie: The Head Peanut
WOW since 1215!??! WOW!! I plan to take a nap between Hallmark Christmas movies.
Im kinda miserable from the huge snowfall!
Connie: The Head Peanut
EWWWWWW Soozle where are you located? We may get .05″ of snow tomorrow. SO weird for Idaho. I’m not complaining but we have been having nice 50 degree weather. No snow. I’m certain that Mother Nature will make up for it in December.
Michele Soyer
I have to get out early and do some transplants.. tomatoes and eggplant…dead head some flowers and take some vines off a cashew tree.. then I just might play with the pooch for the rest of the day…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Wayyyy cool. I would love a cashew tree. I could eat my weight in cashews.
Michele Soyer
Oh Connie easier said than done.. the nut is inside a swollen stem ( which is edible) than you have to use an oil to clean the nut and roast.. it is one helluva job.. I eat the fruit and once a year I do the nuts!!
Shelly Peterson
I had dialysis today. Went to eat with my daughter and came home to take a nap.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Shelly, I love the special relationship you have with your daughter. It makes me miss mine soooooooo much!
Today went well. It was very busy and we got a lot done. Thank you.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I have gotten nothing done. AGAIN! I have GOT to get out of this funk! I have stuff that I should be doing.
Tamra Phelps
Did a little cleaning today. Not much going on. Just hanging out here online, lol.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I have done nothing. Nadda. Zilch. NOTHING today. I really have so much stuff to do and yet………. here I sit.
tammy ta
My day was pretty sucky. But it’s Friday so that is always good.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhh Tammy, hopefully the weekend will make up for a crappy Friday.
My day was pretty boring. I just worked all day, and now I am relaxing and watching some TV and reading.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I need to find me another good ‘can’t put it down’ book. It’s been a long time since I’ve found one of those.
Sarah L
Got my massage for the month. Such a relaxing thing.
Kate Sarsfield
I read this as ‘massage for the MOUTH’ !!! What’s going on with me?
Connie: The Head Peanut
I need to do that. I should put that on my new year resolution list.
l p
it’s a kitchen sink day – Mother Nature is throwing everything except the kitchen sink at us. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ewwwwwww again I’m not sure how Mother Nature has missed us. I REALLY have to stop wondering otherwise she will remember we are here.
It is kind of warm out today and sunny and I am taking a break from cleaning. I have gotten a lot done just need to do some laundry next.
Kim Avery
My day is going perfect! Finally got my wiper blades changed so I’m ready for the next rain and/or snow storm! Errands done for the weekend I hope!
Connie: The Head Peanut
My son Zachary said it’s 90 at the beach today. The pictures he sent, the sky was a brilliant blue. And with that I think I’ll go put on the electric throw and watch a Christmas movie and sulk. It’s 43 degrees.
Michele Soyer
Back to vacuuming ceilings today…as I finish I have to vinegar the chandeliers and ceiling fans.. this I hate. always afraid of breaking something….
WE had a blizzard last night – not happy or ready for this weather… or to shovel out today!
Kate Sarsfield
Just had the first viewing – young couple with children & ties to the area. It’s a very peculiar feeling walking back in knowing that other people have been looking round your home! Now to get the cat’s dishes out of the oven where I hid them!
Shelly Peterson
My grandkids were over for a bit today. I’m not feeling great today so I relaxed for the rest of the day.
We got our first real snow dump of the season. Nice and cozy inside, though.
Tamra Phelps
It’s been so windy out there today…I hope it isn’t brewing up a storm. The weather today has been straight out of one of those movies where a witch blows into some unsuspecting town, lol.
Honestly a bit of a weird day. I woke up to rain and went for a few errands in the rain. It did stop but the temps are getting cooler.
Karen R
My day was good. I took my nephew out to lunch for his birthday. I’m a big spender. I let him chose anything on Taco Bell’s menu.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friends. Good to be in the warm water.
Heavy day for me today remembering a loved one on this Veterans Day. I spent a long time today at the National Cemetery.
Kim Avery
I had a nice and relaxing day for a change. I even took an hour nap! Now getting ready to throw dinner in the oven.
ITs snowing here – making my day blah 🙁
Kate Sarsfield
After 14 hours sleep on Tuesday night, I went for a nap & slept another 3 hours and then another 10 last night! Not quite sure what’s going on! The house is now listed on websites & in local estate agent’s (realtors) offices so now the waiting begins. I’ve done all I can do.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Kate you’ve been going like a mad woman lately! Getting the house on the market has to be such a relief. You just didn’t know how much your body needed to rest. I hope the house goes quickly and easily.
Tamra Phelps
You’re exhausted!!!
Michele Soyer
Have a lovely eggplant sitting on the kitchen counter .. eggplant parm today.. better get cooking!
Connie: The Head Peanut
That sounds delicious. We are having left over chicken. I’m thinkin’ sandwiches and chips. LAZY day!
Shelly Peterson
Just a typical day of dialysis
My day is going just okay so far I am so tired and need to turn in early tonight that’s for sure. Hope you have a nice night.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Me too. I woke up tired. That’s never a good sign.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Lots of wind outside.
Connie: The Head Peanut
It’s super quiet here today but gray and cold. Still no snow which is sooooo weird for Idaho.
Tamra Phelps
After 2 solid hours of holding yesterday, and another hour talking with a representative, I finally got that government agency thing taken care of, lol. Geeze–I am not a fan of being on hold. I get it, though–so much has to be done by phone now and when the reps have to have some knowledge about what they’ll be talking about, they can’t just hire people off the street to answer phones. So, wait times are outrageous.
Connie: The Head Peanut
2 HOURS!?!? ohhhh that would put me in a bad mood. ALTHOUGH I seem to get a lot of housework done while I’m on hold. I just put the phone on speaker and dust, water plants, clean bathrooms…….. grumbling all the time.
Tamra Phelps
I was on the computer the entire time, entering every giveaway known to man…lol, maybe something will pay off.
Michael Coovert
Today has been a bad day. A biopsy showed my leg wounds are highly infected….again. Back on antibiotics for me. Yay!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhh Michael I am so sorry!! Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
Michael Coovert
Today has been a bad day. A biopsy showed my leg wounds are highly infected….again. Back on antibiotics for me.
It was sunny this AM but now when I would like to go for a walk–not so much.
Kim Avery
Not a bad day. Took my mom to do her errands. Bought new wiper blades only to discover I need someone taller than me to change them. I may have to climb on the hood to do it but needs to be done before it rains again!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Day with Mom is always a good day. LOL! BE careful if you do climb on the hood.
Karen R
My arm is sore from the flu shot and the 3rd Pfizer vaccine I had yesterday. But if that was the worse thing to happen, I’d say I’m in luck.
Connie: The Head Peanut
For some unknown reason my flu shot this year didn’t hurt at all. No ache, no headache, no upset stomach. Nothing. Very HAPPY!
My day has gone fine so far. It is not as cool as it has been other days this week. The day is sunny.
Laurie Nykaza
Cleaning out the yard so lots of plants to trim today while its not hot outside.
Kate Sarsfield
Lay on the bed watching the Great British Bake Off & have just woken up 14 hours later. 14 hours! I’ve decided that all I’m doing between now and the weekend is feeding the cat & myself. Might do a bit of potting up and collecting berries/seeds to plant & take with me. Let’s get this blood pressure down!
Michele Soyer
So glad to hear you are taking care of yourself – getting rest – take some more time off!
Michele Soyer
today is one of those rain – sun days where just when you start to go outside the clouds come and rain starts.. well I have vacuuming ceilings to do and varnish touch-ups at this point I think I will more coffee and decide later…
Shelly Peterson
I slept in and then went to lunch with my daughter.
Sarah L
Early appointment at my dermatologist for yearly check up and zapping. Then infusion. It was handy to get both of them done the same day at the same place. Then grocery store. Cloudy and 45 degrees.
My day has gone fine so far. I finished several important tasks from my to do list. It feels good to check things off the list!
I also like these glasses: Colorful Recycled Glass Tumblers (16 Oz., Set of 6), “Tropical Confetti”.
Tamra Phelps
Here I sit on hold again with the same government agency. 3rd time in a week, first time held an hour and 15/20 minutes. Yesterday held 48 minutes and their phone went nuts and cut me off and didn’t work right when I called back. Today, I’ve been holding 30 minutes at this point… ?????????☠?????
Kate Sarsfield
Sweet Jesus, hold me back! Is there an internet chatline available for the Department? I know that many of our Civil Offices are working remotely but I’ve never had to wait that long.
Tamra Phelps
Lol, it had to be on the phone–usually I do anything I can online. But they had to do an ‘interview.’ By the way, the interview was just the lady asking me questions I had already answered on the form they sent me, lol.
Kim Avery
My day is going great! I was able to get up and run all my errands before noon! Think these new iron tabs are working!
Karen R
My day is going well so far this morning. I have an appointment with my internist this afternoon. I’m not happy…getting a physical.
Kate Sarsfield
Just got my BP results – it’s absolutely sky high! I’m completely flummoxed. I’ve never had high blood pressure before or any problems with it. Even when I was fast asleep it was higher than it’s ever been. Anyway, 2 lots of meds and a review in 3 weeks.
Tamra Phelps
I can’t help but think this is a build up of stresses in your life right now. And pain. For sh#@* sake, please sit down and just chill. No painting the roof or weeding the driveway or digging up a new well today, Kate!!! ??
Michele Soyer
I agree with Tammi – all the work you always do – stress – time to check yourself and relax and take good care of yourself…
Kate Sarsfield
That’s the bit I don’t understand – very little difference between doing virtually nothing and vigorous vacuuming. And yes, I plan on doing as little as poss. for the next few days.
Michele Soyer
Tomorrow is a friends birthday – so this morning I must make her a very pretty pink cake! After that who knows?
Laurie Nykaza
The weather has now cooled off in the 70’s which is nice so we worked in our flowers garden today.
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis and came home and took a nap.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I cleaned out the bagless vacuum today. Yes, they do pick up better but they can be a pain–you think no bag means you save money, but it means dust just gets all up in the hose and in the filter and in the dust compartment and gets nasty. Once in a while you gave to strip it down and clean it–it’s so messy, I have to take it outside.
Kate Sarsfield
Mum loved her Dyson but then again, she never cleaned it! I prefer our old pull-along & re-use the bags! Usually find an earring or some coins in the muck!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. 20 degrees cooler than yesterday with lots of clouds, but no rain in the forecast.
Dana Rodriguez
Really chill day here today. I did what I HAD to do and that was about it.
tammy ta
My day is going pretty much as usual, fast.
Kim Avery
Today I am attempting a new recipe. I received some new cookbooks and promised my husband at least one new recipe from them a week. Today it is Swedish meatballs. There are a few extra seasonings that I hope aren’t essential like nutmeg & dill…I do have allspice so should be ok. There wasn’t any fresh dill at Wal-Mart yesterday & forgot to stop at Wegmans.
Connie: The Head Peanut
We use to do that in our house, we called it “Stay or Go” night. Everyone had a vote if it goes in the regular rotation or not. It was fun. I just did a new recipe I found on Instagram, it has Parmesan Garlic Buffalo sauce and cream cheese, chicken and more fresh grated parmesan cheese. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!
Cindy Merrill
Do you honestly want to know? We have bills we cannot pay this month because the criminals at Medicare here in Washington State took $400 out of my husband’s SSI check with no advanced warning. I woke up this morning with a sore shoulder.
Connie: The Head Peanut
NOT COOL!!!! I am so sorry Cindy! We are on Medicare and SS too. It sucks! I hope your shoulder feels better soon.
Kate Sarsfield
Got my monitor on. I must say it’s quite disconcerting when you’re sitting on the loo & your arm starts buzzing!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Well, yeah, that would be.
Michele Soyer
Time to clean the grooved ply ceilings today.. arghhh.. starting with the kitchen and the dining room then out to sanitize the aviary.. tomorrow the drawing room! This always takes me days to do…
Connie: The Head Peanut
I swear Michele, you are like the energizer bunny! I want just 1/2 of your energy.
Michele Soyer
Connie you should have known me in my heyday… when I was 18 I was at uni, got married, worked a part time job.. LOL…
I don’t drink tequila, but I think these glasses are pretty: Handcrafted Blown Glass Tequila Shot Glasses (Set of 6), “Confetti Path”.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Those are BEAUTIFUL!!! As many times as I have shopped on NOVICA I haven’t seen those before.
Shelly Peterson
I went to Costco with my daughter and then to lunch.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hate going to Costco. The Husband wants to walk every. single. aisle. ALL OF THEM!!!! NO!! NO! NO!!
tammy ta
My day was pretty much thew same as usual except I got an extra hour. So that was good.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I do like that extra hour. So far! LOL
Tamra Phelps
One of those days where I am constantly doing something, yet getting nothing done, lol. Maybe I’ll give up…or just keep fiddling around until something actually gets accomplished.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tamra, my craft room looks like a bomb exploded in here. I have started 5 different projects STARTED and left them to START something new and the mess is so overwhelming that I just wanna go upstairs and ignore it all.
Sarah L
Went to Sage Singers rehearsal for the first time in 18 months. They were having tryouts for 2 people wanting to be our new director. I wanted to see this in person. Both were good, but one was outstanding so I think I got to see the new director.
Connie: The Head Peanut
OH SARAH!! That must have been soooo fun to see your Sage Singers in person!! I bet that was an emotional first day. YEAH YOU!!!
Kim Avery
I’m exhausted! Just did my big shop for the month and can’t believe how expensive food has got in just the past few months! Had to stock up on a bunch of pantry items and went a little over budget.
Connie: The Head Peanut
It’s stupid ridiculous how much everything has gone up. We need to do our stock up soon, we’ve been really lucky that we haven’t had any snow yet. We are really pushing our luck with getting stocked up before it hits. UGH!!
Kate Sarsfield
I have to have a 24-hour heat pressure monitor fitted tomorrow morning to see what’s going on with my BP. I’ve always been on the low side so this is not normal for me.
Tamra Phelps
Pain related possibly?? If your in pain, your bp would go up, right? Could it be your gallbladder or your hip pain or a combo of both? I’ve worn monitors for heart when I was sick (fortunately it wasn’t a heart thing.) If this is anything like that, it’s a minor annoyance but at least you get answers.
Kate Sarsfield
Hip pain, gall bladder, overweight, unfit, moving house … take your pick!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh you win. I have all that except the moving. HELLZ NO! I am never moving again. My kids can clean and sort all this junk.
Michele Soyer
Gosh Kate hope this helps you…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Kate, I’ve never seen or even heard of a heat pressure. I hope it gives you some answers.
Michele Soyer
Glorious Sunday! I plan on totally relaxing today with my book – some light jazz and coffee then wine!
My day is going fine so far. It is cold and dark now . Remember to move your clocks back an hour for Daylight Savings time (if you live where it is used) if the clocks are not digital and adjusted automatically!
Connie: The Head Peanut
We took this time to change batteries in everything at the same time. We went through an entire package of Costco AA batteries. WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So many toys, gadgets and clocks.
Shelly Peterson
I had 3 of my grandkids for the day. Then went over to my daughters to bbq.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhhhhhhhh Shelly, that is my idea of the perfect day!! I miss Alice and Olivia sooooooooooooo much!!
Michael Coovert
Today has been a great day. No doctors appointments. Just a relaxing Saturday of movie watching and deep dives into YouTube rabbit holes.
Connie: The Head Peanut
YEAH on no doctor appointments. The rabbit holes. I do that! I start at YouTube, head to Instagram and then to TikTok and bamb I’ve gotten NOTHING done.
l p
it’s a gorgeous day here thanks to Mother Nature.
Connie: The Head Peanut
We’ve been cold and gloomy BUT no snow!! So I’ll take it.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend after a 3 week pause for her injury. 77 degrees with sunshine.
I like their Artisan Crafted Handblown Glass Recycled Cocktail Drinkware, “Emerald Green”.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love the way you shop Nancy. Those are beautiful!
My day has gone fine so far. I have had very early starts the last few mornings. Part 1 of my big project is finished. Now on to Part 2!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Could my craftroom clean up be Part 3?!
It is usually more than I can do to keep my own crafts organized, so sorry but you are on your own!
Kim Avery
Nice relaxing Saturday! Had planned on finally taking the air conditioner out but I’m ok its still in the window. Put my grocery list together for tomorrow & that’s about it!
Tamra Phelps
I’m becoming soppy in my old age, lol. I’m actually considering watching a few of those Hallmark Christmas movies. They are sooooo soppy sweet and well, Christmasy, lol. I’ve never watched them but several family members are addicted to them. They all have the same plot, I think. Maybe I need a little Christmas soppiness in November.
Michele Soyer
The plots are always the same agreed but the locations and the set design decorations are so lovely – I love them!!
Tamra Phelps
My sister-in-law could watch them all, lol. And my cousins. I must be the only one who hasn’t!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I could watch back-to-back Hallmark Christmas movies all day. EVERYDAY!! They make me happy! Instead though I’m destroying my craftroom even more! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
A day of housework awaits, a bit of gardening, then homemade pizza, Strictly Comes Dancing o the BBC – happy days!
Michele Soyer
Went to the grocery yesterday morning – in and out in an hour and back home…life has sure changed!
Shelly Peterson
Today I had dialysis. I’m super tired today
Dana Rodriguez
My day went pretty good. But wow it was cold today!
Sarah L
I’m having a blah day. Nothing major just the blahs.
Kim Avery
I said I was going to rest today but my mother in law was running low on necessities and couldn’t wait until Sunday. Wasn’t too bad just made sure I didn’t rush plus made her happy with some Archway Molasses cookies!
My day is going pretty good just got home from doing some major grocery shopping and am taking a break after putting it all away.
Monica Kirkham
I like my morning sleep… but not today. A phone call woke me at 6, then my teens decided to make their morning routine extra loud about an hour later, and it’s just been never ending since then. But, at least I’m in a great mood. 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
Good news: Woke up pain-free! Not so good news: The start-up of my choral group has been postponed due to rising case numbers. Bummer.
Michele Soyer
Very glad you are pain free.. the start-up is only postponed. thank positively it will be up and running before you know it!
Kate Sarsfield
I know it will. Even though we insist on double vax we do have some very vulnerable members (motor neurone, parkinson’s, dementia, elderly) so can’t expose them to the risk.
l p
today was a little crazy-making requiring lots of flexibility. tomorrow’s another day. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Spent the day with my daughter and baby grandson. Then my son came over for dinner
tammy ta
My day was quiet today. I am so tired now. Bed.
Tamra Phelps
It’s cold and I’m already fed up with it. Geeze, I’ll never get through Winter if I can’t stand Fall.
Sarah L
So good to be back to my regular swimming pool and see my friends again. Water was warm and welcoming. Sun is shining.
Dana Rodriguez
Those photos of Alice are so funny. LOL!
Kim Avery
Spent a nice relaxing day trying to feel better. Forgot to take something out of the fridge so cashed in $25 I had stashed in my Amazon account for Dominos.
Michael Coovert
My day is going great. It is so good to be back home.
It’s going to be a wonderful day. I have FaceTime visits with friends on the docket.
Kate Sarsfield
The gallstones started playing up again last night so I went to the Dr. first thing. He was able to give me a painkiller shot & anti-spasmotic meds. Feel a lot better now & will contact my consultant when I’ve had a rest.
Michele Soyer
Tomorrow is grocery day so I better get my list in order – food prices it has been reported have really gone up so lets see what I will have to leave on the shelf!
Shelly Peterson
I went to dialysis and came home to relax
Tamra Phelps
I spent over an hour and 20 minutes yesterday on hold (waiting for a government agency) and then another 30 trying to get the info I needed…and still have to call back. Criminy. Why is it so impossible to get a person who can answer simple questions at these places??? So frustrating.
Kate Sarsfield
AGH!!! Head-butting the wall in support! Don’t get me started on bureaucracy, just don’t get me started!
Sarah L
Sun is shining and it’s almost 20 degrees warmer than yesterday.
l p
today is going very quickly but well, so that’s OK. thanks
Molli Taylor
its been ok so far, i was sick but feeling better
Kim Avery
My day is just starting. Plan on taking it easy with a quick trip to get some butter and visit my mother in law. I may take out the air conditioner but doubt it.
Michele Soyer
Well took the morning off yesterday and had my neighbor cut down a few trees for me and then we walked the land…went to all the borders and by the time we got back I felt like I walked miles and miles…
Kate Sarsfield
The photographer was here for ages yesterday. Thankfully the weather was lovely. She took lots of photos & a 360 degree video tour of house and garden. I had something to eat & went to back to bed with Idris the Wonder Cat.
Shelly Peterson
I spent the day with my daughter and new grandson.
Eric Wright
My day is going okay. Just a little stuffed up and hoping I feel better quickly because I have a trip to Jamaica coming up. Yeah other than that, nothing exciting haha
Sarah L
Cloudy, gloomy and cold. Not going anywhere today.
Kim Avery
My day has been long and tiring. Our local food bank was having a “Thanksgiving box” pick up. Waited in the line (in our car) for over an hour only to be given boxes that had absolutely no resemblance to Thanksgiving! I’m not complaining because some stuff is useful but we did kind of expect a turkey & maybe a box of stove top,etc. Thank goodness the Elks Club is giving out free dinners.
Molli Taylor
im pretty sick but me and my husband took the day off and got some yummy takeout.
My day is going okay just having a lot of computer problems or should I say the people who run by browser are having a lot of problems today.
Lori Byrd
Well, my husband is in the hospital so I need to go up there soon to visit. I didn’t see him yesterday at all. I had to take the day off work.
Kate Sarsfield
The pain eased up a bit – hot water bottles are the greatest! Woke early to find a heavy frost covering everything in sight. The first of many to come.
Shelly Peterson
Today was a typical dialysis day.
tammy ta
My day was ok. Not too sucky anyways.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Only 35 degrees with lots of clouds but no rain or snow.
Dorothy Boucher
MY day so far has gone pretty good for me, although I was not able to get the things I wanted done because
of my back, this did not keep me from smiling and being happy.
My day is going pretty good so far it’s hard to believe it is already November 1st. We had a pretty quiet Halloween just watched scary movies and ate candy and treats it was nice.
I took today off from work because I worked this weekend. It has been a productive day!
Tamra Phelps
Trying to get all the first of the month stuff done today… I always feel like I’m forgetting something. Fingers crossed that I’m not, lol.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
Having a good Monday after Halloween! It was so fun – so many kids out tricking or treating in our neighborhood this year!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh Connie, I spent the night doubled up with pain from my gallstones. Managed to get back to sleep & woke around lunchtime. Headed into town for a click & collect grocery run and the pain started again. It seems to have settled down a bit now so I’m going back to bed.
Tamra Phelps
Mercy! Are you having that gallbladder out soon? I hope so.
Kate Sarsfield
So do I!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh MAN Kate! I am so sorry!! I had my gallbladder removed when Zachary was just a month old……… so 41 years ago. Back when they did everything the messy way. My scar goes from the top of my ribs to my belly button. It’s a nasty scar. That pain is the WORST!!! I am so sorry!!
Kate Sarsfield
Wait, what? Little Zac is 41? How did that happen? Good to have you back though, miss your comments & CAPITALS!!!
My day is OK. It is sunny today.
Tena Mcelvain
Happy Fall to all! I thought I left a reply, but can’t find it. I was telling you that my 12 year old granddaughter’s initials are PBJ and she loves that. I also revealed how old we are, so if that should go ahead and show up I won’t post it again?. Have a great November!!!
Happy Fall! I really enjoy your PB and Whine. My granddaughter’s initials are PBJ and she loves that! It’s hard to imagine that we graduated 50 years ago…..don’t ban me for that comment?. Have a wonderful November. P.s. love your pictures too.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tena, that is so cool! PBJ! I hope your doing great!
Ken Ohl
Very Sore today tuff day at work yesterday
Shelly Peterson
I’m getting ready to head to bed. Happy November.