• Advice for Getting Through a Long Distance Move with the Kids!

    Relocating to a completely different environment can be exciting, but it also brings with it a certain level of stress. From making sure that you’ve tied up all the loose ends to dealing with the emotional aspect of leaving familiar surroundings, a long distance move can be both financially and emotionally draining. In my personal opinion, this amount of stress only doubles when you’re making the move with small children in tow. Not only are you responsible for ensuring that you’re ready for the move, but you’re also responsible for ensuring that your children are equally ready. Below are a few bits of advice on how to make the long-distance…

  • Super Bright Longest Lasting Glow Stick Bracelets

    Super Bright Longest Lasting Glow Stick Bracelets Review

    I’m having so much fun with these Super Bright Glow Stick Bracelets!! The first thing I did was put them on a sleeping Alice’s arm, the look on her face when she woke up was priceless!! She couldn’t figure out how they got on her arm! When I fixed her a bath, turned off the lights and threw in a couple of Glow Stick Bracelets! The look on Alice’s face again……… priceless!! After her eyes bugged out, she shouted! “NaNa!! My BATH is GLOWING!!” These are SO BRIGHT!! So pretty!! Way better than other Glow Sticks I’ve purchased before!! WAY BETTER! These glow sticks arrive in a sturdy tube container…

  • thyroid gland

    Natural Thyroid Support Supplement Review!

    Ahhhh the thyroid. That little butterfly shaped gland that does SO much!! Did you know that a thyroid’s that don’t produce enough thyroid hormone, is a condition that’s very common? More than 3 million cases alone in the United States. So, how do you know if your thyroid isn’t doing its job? You could experience a ton of symptoms (some or all!) Gastrointestinal: bloating, water retention, or constipation. Mood swings or sadness, hair loss or dry hair. Whole body symptoms like lethargy, inability to exercise, feeling cold, weakness, or fatigue. It’s also very common for muscle weakness, high cholesterol, enlarged thyroid, puffy eyes, slow heart rate, sexual dysfunction, cramping, sleepiness,…