Gotta Bandage TxTpressions Review And Giveaway!
With this genius combo of both text abbreviations & emoticons, put your words & feelings on a bandage & zip it. Come’on that’s just funny stuff right there! Not only is this combo the best of both worlds; as in a great bandage and sassy text messages. You would never have to speak again… ever. Until you run out of bandages & have to run out to get a new box. Which BTW, the company completely supports & totally encourages. LOL 😉
Besides, think about the eye rolls you will receive from your adult children or teenagers! Seriously, that right there makes these worth their weight in gold for me.
As The NaNa the kids know that I always have fun bandages in my purse and medicine chest. So a lot of the times the boo-boos are so teeny tiny that I’m certain they are pen marks. But, I’m the NaNa I kiss it and put a fun bandage on it. I’m a sucker for those kids!
These bandages hold tight and look cute too. This set of TXTpressions bandages has text phrases like LOL, SMH, tear emoticon, and a wink emoticon.
Cover up cuts and scrapes. wear it on your arm, folder, or bike. Make a statement and live out loud with Txtpressions Bandages. Be fun, be bold, set trends, and express yourself with Txtpressions.
One lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower will win a (2) TxTpressions Combo boxes, (1) Mini bandages tin, (1) Flip ‘n’ Fan (cute foldable & collapsible handheld frisbee fan). Good Luck!!
Each household is only eligible to win TxTpressions Bandage Pack via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

Maryann D.
All of these bandages are really fun. I really like the LOL, it is definitely a happy bandage.
Julie L
I like the wink one because it’s cute and bright and will cheer my little ones up.
Marnie G (Derrick Todd)
My favorite text abbreviations are probably OMG and LOL — pretty basic. I like emojis more than abbreviations.
Marnie G (Derrick Todd)
My favorite is the blue bandage with the tear.
Maryann D.
I am old too! But I do like the LOL, that is easy for me and omg too!
Krystal Waters
My favorite bandage would be the blue one with the tear drop.
Vicki Wurgler
My favorite Boo Boo Bandage character is the wink
Robert Brown
I like the Boo Bear bandage with the tear emoji.
Robert Brown
Honestly, I don’t use abbreviations. I tell my friends that you have to text like an adult…then I give them a winky face ;).
Jennifer R
My favorite Boo Boo Bandage character is the blue tear emoji in the Txtpressions bandages.
sandra davis
My favorite bandage is the LOL. It might help cheer up those boo boos that we are using the bandage for to begin with.
sandra davis
My favorite is ILY which is I love you. I use it a lot because I text my family so much.
My favorite text abbreviation, or the one that I use the most, is LOL – laughing out loud. 🙂
My favorite Boo Boo Bandage character is lol!
wow i like the smh and lol
wtf and omg and then lol dmas