• Jif Granola bars

    Jif Granola Bars Review #shoplet

    Yes, I am raving about Shoplet yet again! I am always amazed at the wide variety of products that are available! Not just office products (which there are a LOT of!) Office Furniture! Even Medical supplies, again TONS of products available. Lately, my favorite selection has been Back-To-School supplies including Jif Granola Bars. Okay first we have peanut butter! Ummmmm YES, please! Did you know that Jif Peanut Butter is a Folgers product? I had no idea, I guess I should have known; my favorite coffee and my favorite peanut butter! A beautiful blend of peanut butter and granola. A little salty and little sweet. Peanut Butter Granola Bars are not a…

  • Beauty Box 5 unboxing

    Beauty Box 5 August 2016 Review Free Shipping Coupon Code!!

    Still so sad! Unfortunately, Beauty Box 5 is no longer around. In July of 2017 Hurricane Henry hit Texas, Beauty Box 5 was one of the businesses that suffered. That makes me so sad. Pampering In Progress is the theme of this month’s Beauty Box 5 and it couldn’t have come at a better time! Next week I’ll be on vacation from caring for five-year-old Alice! Swweeet!! I see a Spa Day in my very near future! Let’s dig right in! Starting with the product card that describes all of the items in the box; oh the opposite side is a cute little “Do Not Disturb” door hanger for you to cut out.…

  • Floof sands alive

    Floof! From The Makers Of Sands Alive

    Wanna play in the snow with Alice? The kind of snow that isn’t cold. It doesn’t melt and your Mom won’t  care that you are playing with it on the kitchen table!! Meet Floof! Floof! Is lightweight, lighter than air LIGHT! It’s moldable, stackable and really does feel like marshmallows, without the sticky mess! Alice took one look at the bucket of Floof and couldn’t wait to get the lid off. Look at expression on her little face! Floof! Is from the makers of Sands Alive; one of Alice’s all time favorite substances to play with. We even filled her little patio sandbox full of Sands Alive because she truly…