• dragon headband headset

    iClever Headphones For Kids AND GIVEAWAY!!

    Those of you that have younger kids or have young grandkids have probably seen and heard the YouTube videos that are geared towards kids. Most of the videos are of kids either opening packages of blind bags or playing with Barbie’s or Baby Alive. A couple of them I can handle. However, five-year-old Alice could watch for hours if you let her. She also is not a fan of turning the sound down on her iPad. To say I was thrilled to be offered kid friendly iClever headphones for review is an understatement. SO GIDDY!! So many reasons!! Starting with the most important feature is the Kid Safe Volume Limiting…

  • Here Comes The Bride!!

    Nooooo, I’m not getting married. And neither is my adorable model 5-year-old Alice. But this dress made Alice feel like a bride! So much so that we spent an entire afternoon making the living-room bride central. We started with Alice’s pretend make up set where I channeled my inner Bobbi Brown and did her subtle make up to make her inner beauty shine. (Am I good or WHAT!!??) Alice would hold the mirror as I applied her makeup. I would say ‘do you see how this color brings out your eye color?’ Alice actually SAW color and would say “YOU are RIGHT!” I love, love, LOVE imagination play!! When Alice’s…