• Electrical Safety Tips children laughing

    Best Electrical Safety Tips for Kids!!

    Being a parent, you are probably accustomed to having to constantly worry about where your kids are and what they are doing, what they are playing with.  If there’s crashing and yelling you know there is trouble, and if its way too quiet you know there’s trouble.  It can sometimes feel like kids are determined to give us a heart condition before they reach kindergarten.  I’ll never forget my husband’s reaction when our 8-month-old son, pulled the outlet cover off the outlet and handed it to me. Sheer Panic! The good news is, there are still plenty of effective ways to keep our kids safe when it comes of electricity.…

  • Early Outdoor Education Students in school

    What Educational Games Should I Play with My Child?

    You all want your child to grow up and be a smart confident person, and that starts by playing educational games with them at a young age. There is a fine line that you must toe to get the most knowledge without your child losing confidence. If you play a difficult game with your child they may not grasp the concept and lose confidence in their abilities. Conversely, if you play a game that is too easy they will be confident in their answers, but they are not gaining the same level of knowledge. The child care center of Sydney offers educational games of all levels to match your child’s…

  • Church's chicken

    Happy 65th Birthday Church’s Chicken!!

    I would sing Happy Birthday Church’s Chicken right now but I want you to stay on this page so I won’t. YOU are very welcome!! Trust me on this point! Happy 65th Birthday Church’s Chicken!! My best gal pal (5-year-old Alice) and I headed out to lunch. Now, I have to tell you upfront Alice is a MickyD’s girl. She would live on Chicken Nuggets. The idea of going ANYWHERE except her place is unthinkable. Alice is 100% sure no one could have better nuggets. So we made a deal, The NaNa would get her chicken and then we would make a second stop for Alice. We walked into Church’s…