• Child looking at a gold fish

    Top Benefits For Having A Freshwater Aquarium For Your Children!!

    As a mother, have you ever thought about purchasing and setting up a water tank of freshwater fish for your children and family? Even if you have, you may have initially said ‘no way’ because of the cost and responsibility that comes with doing so. Not only will a home aquarium cost money, it’s also something that needs to be maintained. However, you should still think twice about having an aquarium in your home. This is because there are many benefits to having an aquarium, especially for your children. Here are the top benefits of having a freshwater aquarium for your children: It Encourages Your Children To Learn First and…

  • It’s Conference Call Time!

    By now everyone that come to Peanut Butter and Whine knows that my BBF is a 6-year-old kid named Alice. My, now minus her 2 bottom teeth, Granddaughter who I adore from the top of her spoiled little head (yes, totally my fault!) to the bottoms of her dirty bossy feet (yup, I think that might be my fault as well). This bossy kid hates being on the phone. (DUH! Me too!!) I would rather text or email than talk on the phone. I don’t know why, maybe the years of having to answer phones at work? Who knows. So when we have to call The Momma or The Dadda…

  • Super Wubble Brite #SuperWubbleBrite GIVEAWAY!!!

    How to make a 6-year-old do her homework so fast it will make your head spin? Show her that a Super Wubble Brite Ball is in her future! What is a Wubble Brite Ball?  It’s a very large, very squishy, bubble-like ball which when inflated is about three feet in size. You read that right… a 3 FOOT squishy, bubble like ball! Made with Xpandium a Super Stretchy Super Strong material. The Wubble stretches, wiggles, wobbles and bounces like crazy. It’s squishable and squashable, like all the other Wubble. The Super Wubble Brite Ball comes with an air pump which requires four AA batteries. Batteries do not come with the Wubble air pump.…