• Signs Your Elderly Relative May Be Being Abused

    Unfortunately, abuse of elderly people by the people who are supposed to be taking care of them is a far more common problem than many people know. Elder abuse lawyers such as Garcia Law take on many cases every year where vulnerable people have been treated badly, manipulated, or stolen from. While law firms that specialize in these types of cases can help bring perpetrators of these crimes to justice and seek compensation, it is important to pay attention to what is happening around elderly people you know and look out for signs of abuse so action can be taken. Why Elder Abuse Can Be Hard To Spot Abuse of…

  • Here’s What to Expect After a Serious Accident

    Serious accidents happen every day. Around 2 million drivers experience permanent injuries from car accidents every year. That’s around 5,479 people a day. And if those numbers sound terrifying, you should remember that those are just the injuries from auto accidents. If we just stick with cars, we still have several ways to encounter an accident. There are dozens of things we can do wrong that result in an accident. And we are far from the only drivers on the road that could be guilty of a slip-up. The real tragedy is when we suffer from an accident that was no fault of our own. The consequences are just as…

  • Worlds Smallest For Unique Toys!! Super Impulse ROCKS!!

    Last year I was lucky enough to review the tiniest Fisher-Price Chatter Telephone and the Fisher-Price™ Rock-A-Stack. Both toys are still in Alice’s Barbie House and still as cute as the day they arrived and they still WORK!! Well, this year I was offered the 1959 BARBIE doll. Yeah….. the kid isn’t getting MY Barbie. She is an EXACT duplicate of the Barbie I played with as a kid. Same eye liner, curled hair and stripped swimsuit. Except that she is teeny tiny!!  Her head moves, her arms move and she can even hold her stylish sunglasses. There’s Even MORE World’s Smallest Items! SI (Super Impulse) has so many Worlds Smallest items that I can’t…