• Trick or Treat With Glee Gum! 15% OFF COUPON CODE!

    I am a huge fan of GLEE GUM. I’ve telling you about them for YEARS!!! How can I not?  From Make Your Own Gummies. Which was super fun! AND yummy too! The line of Make Your Own Candy Kits has a fresh new look along with streamlined instructions. From someone that doesn’t want to give 6-year-old Alice a lot of sugar. Seriously, this kid has enough energy we DO NOT need more wall bouncing. GLEE Gum Pops are made with 100% natural ingredients! Nothing spooky in these!! Glee Gum Pops are the world’s first and only 100% natural gum pops. Each bag contains a mix of three yummy flavors Sweet Strawberry, Juicy Orange, and Crisp Green Apple.…

  • Moving Is STRESSFUL!!!

    Moving on short notice is the worst. When The Husband and I were first married it seemed we were always moving. It was always “be out in a week”. Still gives me all over body shudders. THEN we bought our first home. Settled in for a nice long 35 years. Now Sunny California that I love and adore has gotten so expensive that we can’t afford to live here any longer.  Retirement is AWESOME. Fixed income? Yeah, NOT so much! As some of you know we found our Dream Home in Sandpoint Idaho. Yup, leaving sun, sand and surf for snow and cold. Apparently I have lost every last one…