• Night of the Living Cuddle Bunnies by Jonathan Rosen!

    October is upon us!! With that comes my favorite tradition, inspired by Neil Gaiman – ‘All Hallows Read’ the exchange of scary books (with modifications for little ones). Writing a blog is kind of along the same lines where we get to try out fun new reads and rave about them on the net. I recommend this fun book for your inaugural ‘All Hallows Read’, wait for it…. Night of the Living Cuddle Bunnies by Jonathan Rosen! Written like a 12-year-old boy talks –  its like being a kid again, with your eyes wide open – peeking behind the veil of childhood as only a kid can explain it. Finding THE…

  • October giveaway logo

    October 2017 $50 Your Way Single Blog #Giveaway!

    Still a landslide of votes wanting the Giveaway Widget on top!! So….. don’t scroll. It’s right HERE!!! Entry-Form My monthly whine report will be underneath the Giveaway Widget; in other words my personal gossip is under the widget. (The Whine Report) This giveaway is hosted by me alone so all the entries are only about me and my social media wants and needs. You can find more information about this giveaway if you want to scroll all the way to the bottom.  The Whine Report September 2017 We are still waiting to close on the house in Idaho. I haven’t packed a single box yet. Nope not a one. What’s the holdup…

  • Battlefield Earth book cover

    Battlefield Earth!! Audio Book!

    I listen to books all of the time. I always have one in my car because, well, I practically LIVE in the car! I am so excited to start my newest book another timeless classic from L.Ron Hubbard!! Back in 2013…. wait… what?!? 2013!? (That was a LONG time ago!!) I reviewed a stack of audio books from L.Ron Hubbard. Classic titles like No Gun Man and The Iron Duke and tons of books in between. The newest book I’m listening to arrived on a MP3 stick!! I LOVE TECHNOLOGY!!!! Battlefield EARTH!! Written by L.Ron Hubbard. I have a couple of great clips to show you about my newest book!…