• I scream, we scream …..

    The only thing between me and a MickyD’s chocolate ice cream sundae is the fact that I’ve made Wednesday my weigh in day…….. but really? Doesn’t this look REALLY GOOD?!?!

  • Did anyone get the number of that truck??

    I’m pretty sure a big ole truck ran me over last night, came back and ran me over again. I woke up with a stomach ache (adults can have just plain ole’ tummy aches right?) I did manage to do my morning walk and 50 ab crunches on the Bean. (Yes, I admit it I am an infomercial junkie) I left work early cause my stomach was just getting worse. (Do you think it’s the healthy eating? My body is rebelling?)

  • Women hugging

    Tips for Offering Support to Your Loved One with Cancer

    When difficult and tragic circumstances present themselves in a loved one, it can often be challenging to find the right words to say. Sometimes a person won’t say anything to a loved one who has cancer because they don’t know what they could possibly contribute to help that person feel better. And sometimes you don’t have to say anything at all, but it is important for any cancer patient to have a good support system and to know that their loved ones are there when they need them. Here are some tips provided by the Teton Cancer Institute to help you support your loved one with cancer. Let the know…