• Monin Dark Chocolate

    How to Make a Meal Worthy of Your Gourmet Kitchen!!

    An upgraded kitchen is something almost everyone dreams about. Having the space, the lighting, and the appliances to produce a gourmet meal at home is exciting and gives us a lot of motivation to make changes in the home’s busiest room. Of course, getting the kitchen is just part of the process of serving a gourmet meal. You also have to know what to make and how to make it. It’s a huge waste of money and time to put in a fantastic kitchen and serve grilled cheese sandwiches and frozen chicken nuggets. After the contractors are done and the kitchen is in operation, your next step is to get…

  • Car launcher toy

    Here Come the Screechers!!

    While Alice may be all about the fuzzy, fluffy and cute she is still a tom-boy at times. Transforming Screechers made her little eyes light up. Screechers transform into the coolest creatures on the block. Choose between a variety of styles from Wave One which include: RevAdactyl, Stingshift, Nightweaver, Nightbite, V-Wrex, Monkeywrench or Gatecreeper. More Waves are set to release this spring.  You can also watch more episodes here. Not only are there vehicles available but also available are the Rapid Fire Disc Launcher and a Speedlauncher, which launches both discs and Screechers. I remember my (37 year old son) playing with transformers which went from vehicles to robots. These little guys have those…

  • Kitchen Cabinets Creative In The Kitchen Dream kitchen

    New Kitchen Design Trends!

    Kitchens are great places to express your individuality, with new trends coming along all the time. Following design trends is the perfect way to try out new things, so check out our favourite ones to get inspired in your own home. Mosaics A mosaic backboard adds a splash of colour and can really tie the rest of the room together. Using these as a splash back behind the hob can bring in other elements from the room and make it feel more cohesive. Using the countertop and cupboard colours can be good starting points to inspire the colours you want to use for the mosaic. If you’re getting a mosaic…