• Device Junkies Woman hugging electronic gadgets

    Top 4 Must Have Items for Device Junkies!

    We used to call them gadgets. Now, they are called devices. That has a much more respectable ring to it. But at the end of the day, it amounts to the same thing. These objects of tech lust fill us with wonder and spark our collective imagination. I admit I am the queen of the device junkies. We happily pay the gadget tax of excitement and disappointment. The companies that make these products are not our friends. They make promises they can’t keep. And nothing ever lives up to its billing. But once in a great while, we strike gold. And a product comes through, at least, enough to hype…

  • Congratulations to me

    Congratulations to ME!! It’s A GIRL!!!

    I know there are a couple of you going WHAT THE WHAT!!?!? So, rest assured it is NOT a baby, I am not pregnant. Although it is similar to baby, just not the human kind. Congratulations to me!  I’m getting a puppy!! Okay, so now more than just a couple of you are saying WHAT THE heck is she thinking??!?! Yes, I too am saying the same thing. Some days I super excited, then the lazy part of my brain says ARE YOU INSANE?! Now, here is the part where I try and convince not only YOU, but myself as well, that this is a good idea. Sometimes the universe…

  • Prize Pack

    COMET & CHARGE! September Giveaway!

    They’re BACKKKKKKK!!! The COMET & CHARGE TV along with CHARGE TV giveaways are BACK!!!  COMET TV has so many cool things in September! COMET TV is the new home of the cult classic Space: 1999! The out of this world series starring Martin Landau is a fun retro adventure, you’ll love! Plus, there are Godzilla Double Features, Dr. Who and more! You can’t forget the action network CHARGE! There is a Rocky marathon featuring the classic film series all month long! CHARGE! is an action network showing the most “kickin’” and “punchin’” films ever created. COMET TV and CHARGE! are giving you the opportunity to have an awesome September of…