• Love on the beach canvas set

    Love On The Beach!!

    No….. I didn’t suddenly pack up and move back to California for some Love On The Beach. (seriously, the amount of un-packing left to do? Never. I am NEVER. Ever. Moving. AGAIN!! E-V-E-R!! Who has this much STUFF?!?!) Okay, sorry got off on a little tangent there. I’m back. As I was saying I did not pack up and move back to Sunny California. Instead I ordered a set of pictures called “Love On The Beach“. I couldn’t be more thrilled!! Not just because of my canvas obsession. No, not because the pictures are vibrant and colorful. Of course, it’s not just because the scenes are so beautiful that you…

  • Woman riding bike at the beach

    Why Should Women Go Cycling Every Day?

    For the woman to gear up into a cycling kit and ride for hours may seem daunting and a dream. It takes a lot of dedication to riding hundreds of kilometers each day, it would be overwhelming, and you don’t have to look at that way. Getting on your bike each day does not have to be a chore and you can simply ride for your pleasure, whether it’s to the corner shop, to work or hundreds of kilometers the benefits of riding your bike every day are enormous. At any level of your ability and fitness committing to riding your bike have many rewards. There are so many health,…

  • Who gets a puppy when moving? Craft room reorganization


    Who get’s a puppy while they are moving into a new home? WHO?!?! WhY?!? Why?!?! Why did I think a PUPPY, A P-U-P-P-Y would be a good idea?? WHAT was I thinking?! Insanity. That’s it. I’m positive. I have gone bat #&^% crazy. Boxes stacked everywhere. Where there are no boxes items FROM those boxes are laying around just waiting for puppy chomping. I swear this dog is going to answer to NO long before she learns her own name. I am NEVER I repeat NEVER-EVER moving again. EVER! E-V-E-R!! Anyone wanna come over help unpack? At this point just shove it in cupboard and close the cupboard. We won’t ever…