• Photo-A-Day SNUG Home Gym Stairs

    April 17th Photo-A-Day SNUG

    Photo-A-Day SNUG Ohhhhhhh here I go again with my own weird interpretation of the prompt. I’ve told you tons of times how weird my house is laid out. Weird angles. Odd walls. HUGE rooms, teeny tiny laundry room. The corner of the basement bathroom has a very tight V shape that isn’t wide enough to host the trashcan. You can’t have a drawer there or a cabinet.  It’s just odd. The house has are 45 stairs each a different height and a different width. My SNUG prompt beats all those. The guest bathroom in the top floor has a beautiful large bathroom. It’s bigger than the master bathroom in the…

  • Third Trimester pregnant woman's belly

    7 Things You Wish You Knew BEFORE You Got Pregnant

    Most mothers describe pregnancy as a fantastic adventure that takes them through a journey of self-discovery and love. But, for anyone who has experienced pregnancy, the journey to motherhood isn’t always an easy one. Indeed, pregnancy puts a lot of pressure on your body, and, as a result, you can experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. The most common of all is morning sickness, which can affect pregnant women during the first 12 weeks. While not every pregnant woman will experience nausea, you’ll be hard-pressed to meet a woman who hasn’t! Additionally, weight gain is a typical complaint when it comes to making peace with your postpartum body. It doesn’t…

  • Tiny Collection Photo-A-Day TINY

    April 16th Photo-A-Day TINY

    Photo-A-Day TINY.  I was headed upstairs to scour the house for my idea of TINY when it hit me I have an entire shelf dedicated to TINY! I’ve mentioned before, this house has some of the oddest corners and peculiar areas. Like a small alcove just before my craft room. The HUGE area at the top of the steps outside the master bedroom that serves no purpose. I don’t understand the rhyme or reason to several areas. This lip or shelf as you leave the craft room isn’t really large enough to do anything with. So as the construction workers found things they started setting them on that lip. The…