• Insects

    May 9th, Photo-A-Day I

    Today’s Photo-A-Day I As in INSECTS! Remember last year how I complained about all the wasps and hornets on the decks? I filled trap after trap and yet they still kept coming!! We never did get to sit outside and enjoy the sunsets on the deck.  Flash forward to Home Depot as I am picking up yet a different kind of wasp trap because …. well, DAMN they just kept coming! When I struck up a conversation with a long time resident of Sandpoint. He laughingly said “You aren’t some city girl that puts the traps where you want to sit are you??”  In my head I screamed: Palllllllllllllllllease!! Do I…

  • Photo A Day H

    May 8th Photo-A-Day H

    So G ended out to be a glorious nightmare. One minute I writing the next minute POOF. Page gone. (Mid mocking that I couldn’t find a G to write about).   Who knew G was such a touchy letter. Photo-A-Day H I hope is better. Two phone calls with GoDaddy. Which takes hours. On hold forever. Those poor people I can only imagine the abuse they get daily because when you sit on hold for 65 minutes ya tend to get crabby (speaking for myself that is). I have to take a deep breath…….. it’s not the techs fault…. it’s not the techs fault…… I hate GoDaddy’s music……….it’s not the…

  • Photo-A-Day g

    May 7th Photo-A-Day G

    Photo-A-Day G gave me FITS!! Shessshhhhh I have spent most of the day phone in hand trying to find a unique G Seriously, who knew G would be such a stumper for me? I have no gargoyle to snap a photo of. I have no grass. I already did green. Gross except well, that just sounded gross. G for grape. Nope, don’t have any. Bear and I went on our morning hike and found NOTHING that started with a G. GOOD GRIEF Charlie Brown! Then I went to save this post and walk around some more……….. and jokes on me. The blog is GONE!! So I give you G for…