• Light Up A Room Building a lamp

    Light Up A Room With Style!

    I’ve mentioned in the past that this house has so many recessed lights. I mean we are talking a SERIOUS amount of lights. My craft room alone has 14 recessed lights. The master bedroom and the main floor have even MORE!!! These folks seriously light up a room. EVERY. ROOM. Don’t get me wrong light GOOD!!! Especially in the winter!! HOWEVER, when you just want to sit quietly, listen to music and relax all that LIGHT is not my idea of a relaxing atmosphere.  I started looking around for a floor lamp. A unique floor lamp that would give us soft light. Check out this floor lamp from Wello. The…

  • Photo-A-Day D

    May 4th, Photo-A-Day D

    Photo-A-Day D I bet you thought I would post a picture of Bear the DOG but H-E-L-L-O!! We all know she is a fur baby and not JUST a dog!!! D for dark; as in when it gets dark here it gets DARK!! Then I could just post a big square black picture and you would never know the difference. So, I chose D for dishwasher. Not not just any ole’ dishwasher. Ohhhh no! Not me!! A 1962 dishwasher. On the phone with Alice working on a school assignment she had to interview Mom and Grandma and ask questions about when they were in the second grade. I told you…

  • Employees

    Getting the Right Help For Your Business, Every Time!

    You’re not going to build a successful business on your own, no matter how talented you are or how hard you try. At some point, you’ll need to find the right help for your business. Get it right, and they’ll help you to take your company to the next level. Got it wrong, and you’ll be left with an expensive mistake on the books. That’s why it’s important that you strive to bring the right person on board, every single time. But if it were so easy, then everyone would have a workforce they’re completely happy with. Yet they don’t. There are ways you can improve your hiring process, however.…