May 4th, Photo-A-Day D
Photo-A-Day D I bet you thought I would post a picture of Bear the DOG but H-E-L-L-O!! We all know she is a fur baby and not JUST a dog!!!
D for dark; as in when it gets dark here it gets DARK!! Then I could just post a big square black picture and you would never know the difference.
So, I chose D for dishwasher. Not not just any ole’ dishwasher. Ohhhh no! Not me!! A 1962 dishwasher.
On the phone with Alice working on a school assignment she had to interview Mom and Grandma and ask questions about when they were in the second grade. I told you already; that made my brain hurt!
One of the questions was “What was the most modern appliance you had” Oh my gosh, memory of the very first dishwasher came flooding back to me! We were the hoity toity house with our dishwasher. No one else we knew had one! Aunts, uncles, cousins and neighbors were so jealous!! Everyone had to come see the dishwasher! *you had to really clean the dishes before you put them in this beast. So my first question as an adult is why did my parents even bother?!
Now, mind you my parents, especially my Mom was giddy over this thing. AGAIN, as an adult, I look at pictures and danggggggggg this thing was UGLY!!
The top had a cutting board. The cutting board lifted up you loaded the dishes, then you wheeled the whole thing over to the sink and attached the hoses to the faucet.
I remember the first time my Mom forgot to lock the wheels, the dishwasher shimmy and shook all over the kitchen and eventually pulled off the hoses and water went EVERYWHERE!!!
If it hadn’t been for Alice’s class assignment I would have forgotten this memory from childhood. It made me laugh; it made my daughter laugh and Alice? I don’t think she got over the fact that the dishwasher MOVED, not to mention who didn’t have a dishwasher??!
I give you D for Dishwasher:
I’m so proud of myself. I’m still going strong. Granted I’ve only done 4 days…. but….HEY! It counts.

Kate Sarsfield
The reason we moved to Ireland was so that Dad could set up/manage the Irish branch of Hotpoint and so, being in the business, we always had the first of new appliances. I remember in the very early 60s having a small dishwasher that sat on the draining board & you attached the hoses etc. We also had the same top loader washing machine for 37 years, ‘cos Dad said the newer versions were ‘shoddy’ after General Electric took them over. That washer ran on a wing & a prayer!
Connie Gruning
Kate, I remember those dishwashers! Oh my gosh. The things you completely forget. I don’t remember my Mom’s washer dryer but since my dad was a mechanic I’m sure it ran forever too.
Tamra Phelps
I remember when we got our first microwave. They were huge back then, lol.
Connie Gruning
Tamra I didn’t have a microwave until my daughter was a year old. You’re right that thing was HUGE, it made a horrible noise closing the door and moving it took 2 people.
Sarah L
Long ago and far away, I lived in a basement apartment and we had the moveable dishwasher like that.
Barbara Barr
Well, us kids thought is was very cool along about 1968, no more “D”ialing! We had the first push button phone on our block, I was pretty impressed at the time, lol actually I still rather miss the old rotary phones but convenience is “D”a bomb…?
Connie Gruning
Barbara, I miss that rotary noise. They have one down at the local antique store and you have no idea how many times I’ve almost bought that. The Husband would not be happy if I bring any more stuff into the house. But it’s soooooooooo cool looking! AND HEAVY!! That thing must weigh 12 pounds!
Michele Soyer
I guess the most modern appliance we ever got was way back in the early 60’s when my father and I went to the appliance store and bought a frig/freezer the largest cu they had with the freezer on the bottom… a Norge….when it was delivered my mum was so happy….
Connie Gruning
Michele, isn’t it amazing what we thought was so AMAZING then and now we take for granted?