• tea light holders

    Recycle and Re-Use!! From Paperless Kitchen Cloths and Scrubs to Oui Jars!

    How is that for a blog title? Recycle and Re-Use!! From Paperless Kitchen Cloths and Scrubs to Oui Jars!?? How could those possibly go together?!  Ahhhhh y’all know my brain is just wired differently than most, because it makes great sense to me. Truthfully, when I sat down to write I was just going to write a post about just how fantastic these Paperless Kitchen Cloths and the AMAZING Scrubs are. But, seriously?  WHO wants to read about me cleaning my kitchen? I mean granted these clothes are so strong I don’t think they will ever fall apart. They have a sponge like feel, but thin! They seem indestructible!!  Absorbs…

  • November Giveaway

    Happy November! $50 Your Way Giveaway!!

    Happy November little Peanuts! Doesn’t it seem like I JUST posted the October giveaway?? Why is time going so FAST!? Here is my monthly update. Decks and the front porch are done!! Pictures to follow. Now we are staining the decks as quickly as possible and hoping to finish before the snow comes. It did snow twice but nothing that stuck THANKFULLY! The barn is almost done. It should be finished by the end of next week. Since most of the construction activity is done the deer and bear came back so of course I put my trail-cam out.  I have missed seeing my little guys out there. Seriously, how…

  • youtube

    Earning Money Around Your Lifestyle!

    We all need to be earning money to live; we need to keep a roof over our head, bills paid and food in our cupboards. Unfortunately, this can often mean working long hours to make ends meet, and it can end up feeling like we live to work, rather than work to live. When you’re in a typical job with set hours you can feel like a huge part of your life is dedicated to work, but it doesn’t have to be this way. This day in age, there are lots of ways to earn on your own terms- you really can do something you enjoy and in your own…