• Technology Solutions small business

    Small Businesses Need Big Technology Solutions

    As a small business, it’s so easy for you to feel like you’re only ever going to be a small business. There will be days where you barely make any profit at all, and there will be days where you’re making so much profit, that you feel as though you’re actually going  to break through that profit margin. But for the most part, you’re stumbling through the days, and everything is a learning curve. One of the things that’s most definitely going to be a learning curve for most of you, is the use of your technology. The technology and services that you use at the minute might go as…

  • baby and mom

    What to Expect Before, During, and After Donor Egg IVF

    Using donor eggs to build your family may not have been the plan, but for many potential parents, donor egg IVF offers a glimmer of hope. However, the process can initially feel quite daunting. What should you expect before, during, and after? Will it mentally and physically take its toll? To help you prepare for this stage in your journey to parenthood, we explore key aspects of the donor egg IVF process below. Finding a Donor and Taking Your Time You may select your egg donor from a frozen donor egg bank like https://donoreggbankusa.com or choose someone you know, like a friend or family member. Taking your time during this…

  • Gabby and the dark

    Did You KNOW Ripley’s Had Children’s BOOKS?!??!

    First, did you know that the Ripley Believe It or Not had children’s books that I love has more than just the Believe It Or Not titles?? I had NO IDEA!! From picture books to adventure books. You can check out the titles on Amazon. Ripley Believe It or Not books Since I am in full on Christmas mode already I want to share with you four titles that would be GREAT for gift giving. I am and always have been a firm believer that books are always under the Christmas tree. I take full credit for the fact that my daughter Selena is a veracious (look at me with…