• cute speakers

    JamBrites Cutest Little Speakers EVER!!

    I don’t want to scare you but Christmas is only 77 days away! SAY WHAAAAAAAA????? Of course, here in Idaho I didn’t even get FALL. We went straight to WINTER!! Snow and all. So, maybe that’s why I’m already in the holiday mode. (Don’t worry! I’m not taking down any Halloween decorations yet! I’m still in full on Halloween mode!) My little JamBrites work for both! Halloween and Christmas gifts. The reason I bright up how many days till Christmas is because I have started my shopping. I’m always on the look out for a unique and fun gift for Alice. (okay, okay for the rest of ’em all too….…

  • Little girl looking at pregnant moms belly

    Be As Healthy As Possible When Trying For A Baby With These Top Tips

    The process of trying for a baby can last years. Though of course there are many different aspects that can influence your fertility, looking after your health as best as possible can play a part in improving your chances. If you want to know what you can do to properly care for your well-being in the run up to pregnancy, then read on to uncover some of the best top tips that can be implemented today.  You Are What You Eat  The food which you eat has such a massive impact on your overall health, so failing to pay attention to the meals you consume might mean that you’re falling…

  • Lady with cleaning tools

    Tips To Keep A Clean Home

    A clean home is a happy home, but not all of us enjoying cleaning our property. When your space is quite big, it can feel like a daunting task, but if you keep up with it on a regular basis, there will be no need to do a big clean that takes you all day on the weekend. Here are some tips to keep a clean home. Have A Morning Routine When you get up in the morning, do you make your bed and draw back the curtains? If you don’t, then you’ve left your home in a bit of disarray. There’s no natural light that will be coming in…