• Where your budget should go

    Where Should Your Website Budget Go?

    We’re going to assume that, as a business owner, you already know a thing or two about the importance of a company website. This is, after all, the #1 way for businesses to build a buzz around their brand right now. But, of course, you know all that already. In fact, you may well be sick of asking where your website budget should be used.  What you might not know is that creating any old website isn’t enough for success. Instead, your page needs to be the best that it can if you’re to stand any chance at converting. And, this can often involve more of your budget than just…

  • M n M's t-shirt

    Back To School T-shirt or Hoodie GIVEAWAY!!!!!!

    I am so excited about today’s post. First, because that means I’m back home from a very long vacation. YEAH ME!!!  Yes, I miss my family, but I sure don’t miss the noise and the traffic! It also means that I am back to work! YEAH ME!!!! What better way to start back to work but with a giveaway!!!!!!! I am excited to bring you a giveaway from TVStoreOnLine.com.  The selection on this site is amazing!  SO MANY CHOICES!!!  It was really hard to pick an item to review. Sons of Anarchy won my vote!  MAN I loved that show! I think it was one of the very first shows…

  • eCommerce Mistakes

    Common eCommerce Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

    Running a business can sometimes feel a little like climbing a mountain. The reason being is that sometimes you are right up at the top, with a clear view of what is going on, and at other times you can encounter problems and issues, and perhaps get a little lost along the way; not to mention the exhaustion and fatigue that can come from being a business owner. But just like someone climbing a mountain, you need the right tools, like a compass, map, and good walking shoes, to help you to reach the top. That is why it is so important to prepare yourself for business success by making…